DRI for Vitamin A is 900µg/day for adult male
Upper limit is 3000µg/day
170% of 900µg is 1530µg

1 IU is the biological equivalent of 0.3 µg retinol, 1530µg/0.3µg = 5100IU

Originally Posted By: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_A#Toxicity
Acute toxic dose is 25000 IU/kg of body weight
Low level for liver toxicity is 15,000 IU per day
Children can reach toxic levels at 1,500 IU/kg of body weigh
In people with renal failure, 4000 IU can cause substantial damage

Conclusion, if you're not an infant, and you don't have renal faliure, you're safe eating 5100IU of Vitamin A in this meal smile