Originally Posted By: KG2V
Originally Posted By: philip
> Once I went to the really nice metal box, I found it EMPTY except
> for a few Band-Aids!!

I've never seen a wall-mounted first aid box that wasn't as you describe it.

I have - the first few minutes after I finished restocking it

Yes. We used to put the small stuff that people used up fast in a box in the supervisors or safety officer's office.
If you needed a bandaid or aspirin you went to the office and got one.
It solved the worst part of the stuff disappearing because people didn't steal trauma supplies as fast as they took minor cut and scrape stuff.
It also let us track who was getting minor injuries. This was not to punish with. It gave us a sudden picture of the small hazards (like sharp edges on steel being handled with bare hands).
May set off to explore without any sense of direction or how to return.