If a Time Photographer saw a roadblock made of the dead, he'll have pictures and we should be able to find them. Either he'll have pictures, his film and gear were taken, he was lying, or he can easily be labeled the worst photographer ever.

Edit 1: I looked up the story, and Shaul Schwarz is the Time Magazine photographer who reported seeing the roadblock of bodies. The report was done by phone with a BBC correspondent, so pictures may show up in the next few days unless Time holds it back for an issue of the magazine.

Edit 2: Shaul Schwarz works for Getty and has been subcontracted by Time to cover the Aftermath of the Earthquake. He and Timothy Fadek have a gallery of aftermath photos at Time.com. I must warn you, the photos are graphic. One of the photos and captions leads me to believe the story of an actual roadblock may be taken out of context. I guess we'll see.

Edited by Nicodemus (01/16/10 03:35 AM)
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