Another way to conceive of the Haiti relief operation: the world community is taking on the food, water, shelter and medical relief for upwards of 3 million Haitians on no notice. In addition many nations have launched emergency rescue operations for those still under the rubble, also without notice. In an environment without working infrastructure to any great extent. Mind boggling stuff, and this is just the initial response.

This article from this morning's Seattle Times is a great example of how basic first aid training gets pressed into action in a disaster - When a disaster strikes, there are prepared and unprepared - if you're prepared, with any level of training, you will be providing aid and assistance, possibly to an extent you never imagined. I think we should all think through what our response would be in a similar situation. To be honest, part of me wants to cower in a hideyhole at the thought of all those crush injuries and fractures, which I would get to help treat for the first 5 days or so, another part of me says to suck it up and be ready to help out.