I've been putting together urban/office EDC kits for my employees who work on client sites. The goal is to put a few items in a small, rugged case that they can keep in their desks, briefcases or jackets. I've tried to include items that could useful in a variety of situations from a paper cut to a power outage to stuck in the office because of bad weather. Total cost of case and contents is about $10-12.

I'll also be including a written instruction sheet using a PocketMod custom sheet.

The case is about 4" x 3" x 1" with a rubber gasket to keep it water resistant. I have attached about 3' of paracord to the case with a storm whistle tied onto that. I'd love to braid a longer piece of paracord as a lanyard but I am a complete klutz at that sort of thing.

On the outside of the case I've put two pieces of glow tape. Here's a picture of how that looks.

It's a tight squeeze to get everything in there, I had to use a piece of Velcro to keep the mini Bic stuck in the lid of the case.

Got any suggestions? Anything new would mean taking something else out as there's virtually no empty space. (Doug, I feel your pain in packing the PSK's)

Here are the contents of the UEDC:

1. Credit card Fresnel lens
2. Lifesaver candy
3. Compressed towel
4. 5 4" zip ties
5. Disposable toothbrush w/toothpaste
6. Mini chemlight
7. Duck tape 2" x 18"
8. Coin cell LED light
9. Paper tinder
10. Moleskin
11. Credit Card tool
nail file
12. Mini Bic (Velcro holds it in the lid of the case, rubber band makes it easier to get out)
13. Golf pencil
14. Reflective flagging tape (5')
15. FAK (assorted bandaids and antiseptic wipes)
16 48" of 1/8' cord
17. Dental pick (reusable)
In a crisis one does not rise to one's level of expectations but rather falls to one's level of training.