"All the finger pointing at the victim notwithstanding, all he did was get lost, the dispatchers apparently consciously failed at doing their job."

I disagree, he did a number of things, up to and including perish, all of which began and ended with him and his actions. The actions/inactions of the rest compounded the errors he made, but it was his actions that instigated the event, and had he taken a different course of action from the start, none of what the others did/didn't do would've had any affect on the alternate outcome.

Also, it is incorrect to refer to him as a victim, the proper term would be perpetrator. The point isn't to punish him, but to make a point that the first person any of us should look to for the surety of our own welfare is ourselves. If we don't maintain adequate vigilence for our own preservation, we shouldn't have any expecation that others necessarily will. If we do our part, we should never have need of any outside assistance, save for some very unique and very rare situations.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)