'...i think of it this way. the news report---"he "survived for a week before he was found"--V.S. "we found him camped out,lost, back in the hills" '

You must be a lot more sensitive than I am, because I simply don't give a sh** what some news article says. Not even a tiny bit. I am not responsible for what other people think.

I know there's a difference between the PSK you keep in your pocket all the time and what you have the rest of the time (and even that is probably stair-stepped).

Where will you be when you're away from home, and what is your mode of transportation? How far from help are you likely to be? How bad of a spot will you be in if you break (or even badly sprain) your ankle?

Okay, so you keep your Altoids tin in your pocket all waking hours. Fine. You're in town, it's all you need. SmSize > Bulk/Wt.

Day hiking, you simply never know what you will encounter. Here's where traveling ultra-light is really stupid. You can't control the weather, especially. You're either smart enough to allow for changes, or you're dumb enough to be a statistic -- it's your choice.

You keep a smallish backpack in your vehicle in case you need it to get home. It's small enough to carry, and what it contains is more important than the weight. Wt+Bulk=Need.

If you're traveling out in the boonies (commuting or general travel), you could be caught far from help. Now you may need more stuff than you can carry easily, but it's in your vehicle, so you may be able to shelter in the vehicle.
Bulk+Wt > Convenience.

Fit your carry to where you're going. Ultra-light carry has proven to be deadly for quite a few people. I'm sure they haven't found all the bodies yet.
