Originally Posted By: KG2V_was_kc2ixe
I've always wondered - if I lived in a wildfire prone area, could you build a true "shelter"...

I would think with a facility like that (and saw water haze in the corridor), you could stay and defend pretty much till the end, and worst comes to worst, it burns over the top

OK, I am going sideways a bit here, but not much.
Kurt Vonnegut was an American soldier in WWII. He was captured by the Germans. As a POW he was put to work in a slaughterhouse in Dresden. Kurt and the other POWs survived the bombing of Dresden and the firestorm that followed because their guards locked them into the underground meat cooler or cellar of the slaughterhouse.

He was a strange author, but Slaughterhouse-Five, or The Children's Crusade: A Duty-Dance With Death deals a bit with the aftermath of the Dresden firestorm. It deals a bit with the mental effect of it too.

Your idea of a fire bunker would likely work, but for the cost involved you could just build it above ground and call it your home more easily.
May set off to explore without any sense of direction or how to return.