I don't think anyone here is in a position to criticize their decision. I for one believe they made the only sensible decision. They had maps, they knew the area "very well". The weather was clearly not a big factor and the distance was entirely manageable. Why try to sit it out when it's much simpler to do a little SERE?

If you have the means and skills to get back to safety on your own in a situation like that, do it! As simple as that. It will save the SAR teams a lot of time and resources that could be better spent elsewhere. I really don't have much sympathy for folks who expect rescue from any situation they could easily get out of themselves.

The decision to travel cross-country instead of following the road makes sense as well. In many kinds of terrain travelling cross-country can be a lot quicker. With a map and compass (plus a bit of skill and experience) it isn't that difficult to find your way out. More so if you know the terrain well already - in places like that you would even need the map & compass as long as you are in a decent shape, the weather isn't too bad nor the distances too long.