Originally Posted By: RobertRogers
Maybe we can get back to an economy based on actual work (labor) and providing value rather than rewarding mere paper shuffling as the means to wealth.

Well said, Robert.

Wow, yesterday was another gut-wrenching 733 point drop...and not a single post. Seriously, I think this crisis has become yesterday's news already even thought we're still in it.

I fear that this global injection of gobs and gobs of money into the financial world has just planted the seeds of yet another financial mini-bubble, or just postponed the Day of Reckoning that we started to slide into last week. So, a collective "we" will still end up in the dog house...only a trillion dollars more in debt than we otherwise would have been without all these endless bailouts recently (most people only know or think about the $700 billion bailout, but there have been multiple "bailouts" this year).