Thank you, Susan. I wouldn't intend to use this for surgical situations. Looking for something reusable to add a degree of protection for the wearer from the contagious, and to reduce the spread of disease by the contagious.

I found a few more interesting links.
one suggestion is to use anti-microbial t-shirt fabric, such as Microban.

Now this is interesting from the CDC

Mask: Masks protect the health care worker's face from contact with blood or droplets of infectious body fluids. Use masks that cover the mouth and nose. Use a HEPA-filter or other biosafety mask, a surgical mask, or a cotton mask made locally.

HEPA-filter or biosafety mask:A HEPA-filter mask filters the air to prevent breathing in small particles and harmful microorganisms. It provides protection from airborne transmission of microorganisms.

A HEPA-filter or biosafety mask is lightweight and easy to use. It can be reused by the same health care worker as long as it continues to fit comfortably and the mask does not become contaminated, crushed, or splattered with body fluids.

Do not touch the mask after it has been put on. The mask may become contaminated once it is touched. To avoid the necessity for touching the mask, make sure it fits comfortably before entering the patient's room.

When handling a reused mask, hold it by the strings. Be careful that the outside surface does not touch the health care worker's face.

Surgical mask:
If HEPA-filter or
other biosafety masks are not available, use surgical masks. Surgical masks will not filter out small particles, but they will protect the health care worker from droplets or splashing of body fluids.

A surgical mask can be reused by the same health care worker as long as it is not contaminated and not obviously dirty and torn.

Cotton mask: If surgical masks are not available, use cotton masks made from four or five layers of cotton cloth sewn together.

Use a different colour for each side of the mask. This will help health care workers quickly identify which side should be worn inside.

The mask should have ties that are long enough to reach behind the head.

Cotton masks will not provide protection from breathing in particles, but they will provide protection against splashes and other droplet contact with infectious body fluids. A cotton mask can be reused by the same health care worker as long as it is not contaminated and not obviously dirty and torn.