That's cool man... I'm not really trying to make you feel like I'm coming down on you. I just feel very strongly about this. I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again, Tom Ridge and the "Department of Homeland Security" scares me more than any terrorist that has ever lived. This is not to say that I don't think that our government doesn't have good intentions... I think even Karl Marx had good intentions in the beginning.

As far as what I was originally trying to say. Atty_guy said he had a "fundamental question." I was merely trying to point out that his question may have been even more fundamental than even he realized. Is it a problem when someone doesn't carry all the tools they want because its a security hassle? I think so!

As far as what you must carry for survival, I have always said that its your knowledge and your mental state that will prepare you more than any tool ever can. Still, I don't want to have to look for flint to start a fire and chip a spear point when something happens. I'd rather afford myself a few advantages, and I get pretty upset when people tell me I can't do that. Its feels a little like someone is punishing me when I haven't even commited a crime.

Everybody stays quiet about it because its done in the name of "security." I think people that know this is BS need to speak up more, or it may never stop. And even though this is an international site, I imagine this is going to eventually be a problem for everyone here... if it isn't already.