To second and amplify some comments already made, based on long standing prehospital, ER, & in-patient care experience.

Avoid the Sawyer Extractor - causes more harm than it helps. There exists a stung correlation between elevated blood alcohol levels and snakebite (especially upper extremity bites). Some references:
Also it’s use is specifically contraindicated in the current Wilderness Medical Society Practice Guidelines.

Use ANY tourniquet with great care! The rule (guideline?) use a tourniquet only when willing to sacrifice the limb (which may happen from tourniquet use, not the original injury).

Within the constraints of this discussion sterile gloves are probably unnecessary. That said, if you feel the need for them I would look for non-latex options. Latex allergies are becoming much more frequent. Latex gloves also don't age well, especially if exposed to heat.

The field suture issue has been discussed to death. Though well trained in suturing, I only carry Steri-Strips to allow approximation of larger wounds, not cosmetic closure.
"Sometimes, it's better to be lucky than skillfull"