Originally Posted By: jshannon
You've got to be kidding me. This is overreaction not unlike the hiker at the trailhead death.

Do you have a link to the hiker at the trailhead death thread? I missed it.

Originally Posted By: benjamin
Had I my pistol with me at the time, you can be sure it would've been in my hand.

I can't think of anything more dangerous in a near-collision situation than reaching for a gun instead of keeping both hands on the wheel.

Originally Posted By: benjamin
Each of us has our own life experiences to rely on. Get threatened with being run over or off the road a couple times, and it might change any person's perspective.

Having been run off the road in the past, and having been almost run over more times than I can count (I live in Boston, it's almost an everyday occurrence), I still don't understand your point. Even if you're in a situation where you're a pedestrian and someone is deliberately trying to run you down with their car, introducing a gun into the situation is bringing the proverbial knife to the gunfight.