I've been reading Cody Lundin's When All Hell Breaks loose. While reading chapter 15 on sanitation it occurred to me I could use a 5 gal bucket half full of kitty litter. I don't know why I didn't think of it before. Many of us have no problem letting the cat use one indoors and many people obviously tolerate not cleaning them for days.(I hate cats and had to live with them several times in my life). I seems to me it would be easier to handle and store a trash bag full of clumped litter than liquid filled trash bags. As far as storing the litter for future use, it comes in buckets that should resist moisture better than the paper bags.

I live in a town home HOA type complex where there is limited soil for digging latrines. I'm considering planning for sanitation for 1 week. Longer than that I might have to consider bugging out or really organizing the neighbors to keep our complex from getting going back to the dark ages.

The wife approved an experiment. Maybe I'll try using kitty litter only for a few days? What say you?