Originally Posted By: Dan_McI
............Agreed, agreed, agreed. Need to be careful. But we cannot stop carrying and using.

If you start being afraid to carry or use it for an honorable reason, because of the kind of reaction you might get, then the person carrying it, you on the rare occasion, becomes even more unusual. And it becomes even easier to look at such a person as someone just out there to intimidate or threaten the public. When we start hiding our knives all the time, we stop being able to carry them.

First your ability to carry one thing goes, then you ability to carry something else goes too. Soon enough, picking up a stick could be looked at as criminal.

I think this is an excellent observation - the point being that we, in an effort to please others (by not "scaring" them, in this case), actually precipitate the prohibition long before a law is passed that prohibits by law what was formerly legal.