I have used both Gorilla Glue and Goop to fix shoes.

The only time I saw the gorilla glue fail was when I failed to properly prepare the mating surfaces. One time I didn't remove the original glue but any way or varnish used during manufacture will also stop a prevent a proper bond.

Usually I scrub the surfaces with a nylon dish scrubber wet with lacquer thinner to remove and coatings. Then I follow with 60 grit sandpaper, a very rough stone in a drill for larger areas and/or scraping with the edge of a knife. Immaculately clean and well roughened leather tend to stay together quite well no matter what glue you use.

Gorilla glue is good, particularly if you dampen the surfaces and clamp the joint. Urethanes harden by absorbing moisture. Goop is also good but sometimes in a couple of years it hardens and pulls off. When I was using silicone caulk at work I would sometimes use the dregs we would otherwise toss to glue up my work boots. Seemed to work well.

Trick is to let any excess or squeeze-out harden and trim off with a razor blade afterward. Same with the gorilla glue.

As long as I well and throughly prepared the mating surfaces. But, like I said, prep the surfaces well and the brand of glue used is far less important.