Originally Posted By: SwampDonkey
Most file good trip plans but do not carry a satellite phone, PLB, or even basic signal tools such as a mirror or flares. They also do not usually carry any simple incoming communication devices like an FM or weather radio so they are unaware of impending storms or fire dangers/restrictions.

Hmm. I've been hiking and backpacking for quite a long time, including with groups such as the Sierra Club. I've never seen anyone carry a sat phone or PLB. I have seen people carry avvy beacons, and carrying a cell phone is common place (yes, I do know they're not very reliable). Now mirrors and whistles are a different matter. That's pretty standard gear with the serious hikers I've met. Flares are a pretty big no no here in Calif. This place is a tinder box much of the time. I believe we got less than 3" of rain last season. I also haven't seen FM or wx radios. The only radios I have seen are the little two way ones, some of which do have the wx band. FM radio doesn't work worth a darn in the backcountry.

Just reflecting on what's common practice out there. Pretty hard to carry it all when you're really backpacking, not just taking short trips.
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