My earlier premise being that Les is more, referring to the 7 day expeditions Les Stroud undertakes with what I would refer to as ultra-ultra light gear and a much greater sense of adventure, those knowledgeable in the ultralight arts are far less numerous than those who are simply under-equipped for the task at hand. Thereto, even the knowledgeable ones are hedging against the risk that they may encounter a situation they too are unprepared for, being geared for the most ideal conditions one could hope for. That being the case, it seems to me that the two biggest things working against the ultralighter concept are their dependence on the good will of their environment and any they might actually encounter, and that for the pace most of them seem to set to get to a destination wherein they find their zen, they overlook the countless miracles along the way. Most trails I travel would require my eyes to be fixated and focused narrowly upon the path before me so as to make sure of my footing, were I to travel at a pace greater than my usual stroll carries me along. Why someone would elect to traverse such magnificent terrain any quicker perplexes me, save for the preservation of life and limb.

The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)