Originally Posted By: Hikin_Jim

Now as to purification. There have been studies that have indicated that much of the water is still quite drinkable, particularly at higher altitudes, in the Western US. I read an article some time ago in the LA times about an MD who hikes and regularly samples water along his route. Conclusion? All drinkable. Let me add that I usually do carry a filter despite the extra weight and am very cautious about where I gather water. Nevertheless, there is a bit of overhype on the omnipresent necessity of water purifcation.

As someone who's had giardia, I agree with you about the need to be cautious about your water no matter what the elevation. It can be a pain to filter or treat all your water, but then again, so is living by the toilet and injesting nothing but fluids for a week waiting for the horse pills to kill everything in your intestines.