Then I've got a good one in there. I'm feeding it 6 volts/200mA with the normal load, 4.5V with the glow mode. I've red through a 3 hour bloackout with it, that was the longest burn. I was expecting it to go into thermal runaway, actually, becuase it was starting to get warm, so I left it on for an hour and it still runs fine. Still using the origional LED and the origional cells after about a year.

I haven't breadboarded it yet measure each point. Maybe I will do that this weekend. (Yes, I freely admit to having to get an unlife, before I get a life. :P )

I thought about putting in a resistor and just uising an unskinned MN/21, but since this method works well enough, I'm reluctant to fiddle with it. One thing I thought about was a drop in capacitor module to turn this guy into a microstrobe if needed.

And just realise I said resistor, when looking to drop current in the post before this. *bangs head, chanting "voltage drop"* been a while since I took DC circuits.

Edited by ironsraven (08/02/05 02:20 AM)