My avatar is the view through a retroreflective mesh signal mirror aimer showing the "fireball" the aimer produces in the direction of the reflected column of light.
(That bright white spot in the avatar is not the sun itself - the sun is "offscreen" to the right. The bright spot is the aimer "fireball").
I chose this avatar image to:
- represent my "Equipped to Survive" main interest - signal mirrors.
- show folks who haven't used a real retroreflective mesh aimer (perhaps they have only used the look-alikes that Doug Ritter calls "Phony Glass Signal Mirrors") what they should see through the aimer.
My signature is a disclaimer to temper my usual "signal mirror enthusiast" message by pointing out that PLBs are usually much more effective than a signal mirror.
Of course, there is only so much message you can squeeze into an avatar - here's a photo with more detail and description: