If you're going to get the compact (3.25 X 4.5 X 0.9 inches) SAS Survival Guide for each family member's BOB, be sure to get the 384 page SECOND EDITION. It's the edition that was released about a year ago. It has generally more realistic scenarios, is better organized (but could use a word index in the paperback version) and has a goodly amount of updated information. However, I'm puzzled as to why there's not a single word in this new edition about surviving nuclear events (such as when to not take your iOSAT), yet this edition goes into great detail about what to do should gas balls come rolling down your side of the volcano (jump underwater and hold your breath). Overall though I think the 2E is about as good of a compact survival guide as is out there. I once saw the Chinese printed version of the 2E on sale at Wal*Mart for less than $5. Get two.