this is where i'm at on the Swiss Canteen re-make.

first from the box of camping odds and ends i came up with this dented canteen.when you get in on a "six for" deal at least one will be a bit battered.i gave away two and two of the last three were in nice shape with the plastic tag and corks.the third i'll get around to in a second.

i cut the top of the dented one and found as reported the inside to be coated with a light brown plastic.not wanting to cook in that as i had no idea of what it really was i took a propane torch to my surprise it did not burn right off! i held the torch on one spot for minutes with no effect.after awhile it burned away.i'll have to take a wire brush to it and clean away the last of it to get just the aluminum surface i want.the canteen is made of thicker metal than the cup and will make a better pot.i'll add holes for a wire bale that will be attached after the sections are pulled apart for use.
ok now about that was impossible to remove.the walls are so stiff and thick that i could not push out the dent with any tool i had handy including wood blocks that were shaped to fit.
to much pressure distorted the other side so the plan is to use
the second rate but undamaged set for this project.
as i work along and fill the kit i'll post more photos.