No need to apologize Sue, this has been a most entertaining thread, and yet another opportunity for me to share some good recipes. Yippee!

In my opinion, you can't trust anyone running for office anymore. At least that way I can't be disappointed.

In the world of politics and economics, I am just a microbe on a grain of sand. What is happening and being done by those wielding the power is so far removed from my daily action item list that I've no hope of things changing, or even getting simple enough to keep track of. Even were I to devote every waking moment to trying to effect even the smallest of changes, it'll never be anything close to what I would want in any sort of timeline I could be concerned over (my children's children's children, to quote Hook).

Call me a cynnic, but I reckon we really quit being a government for the people, by the people and of the people about 120 years ago. We sold our freedom for a little security, and have allowed those with vast personal and social agendas determine our fate from then on. It may be better to go along through our lives in blissful ignorance of how things truly work at the top, for there is no hope we can ever change the way things are without suffering great turmoil and sacrificing all that we hold so precious now.

The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)