Ebola reporting

Posted by: Ontario

Ebola reporting - 10/17/14 10:13 PM

Hi all,

If you hear of anyone in your city/town getting Ebola can you post it under this thread. I trust forum members more than any news.

All is perfectly well in Sudbury Ontario.

Yours truly,
Posted by: Russ

Re: Ebola reporting - 10/17/14 10:24 PM

Some guy puked on a Casino bus, do symptoms count or just 100% confirmed cases? I vote for the latter.
Hopefully this will be a very neglected thread.
Posted by: Ontario

Re: Ebola reporting - 10/17/14 10:49 PM

I'd like to hear of anyone dying of Ebola or a flu (with vomiting and diarrhea).

Sound good? Here can be the calming voice, or at least an accurate warning system.
Posted by: MartinFocazio

Re: Ebola reporting - 10/24/14 02:29 AM

I work in New York enough to call it "My Town"

"A doctor in New York City who recently returned from treating Ebola patients in Guinea tested positive for the Ebola virus Thursday, becoming the city’s first diagnosed case.

The doctor, Craig Spencer, was rushed to Bellevue Hospital Center on Thursday and placed in isolation while health care workers spread out across the city to trace anyone he might have come into contact with in recent days. A further test will be conducted by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to confirm the initial test.""

- NY Times, but 1,000's of other sources covering it.
Posted by: Jesselp

Re: Ebola reporting - 10/24/14 03:29 AM

I'm Captain in a volunteer ambulance squad just outside of NYC. This is worrisome.

That said, this NYC case is a perfect test case for Ebola in the USA.

The doctor went out on the town last night - he took the subway from Harlem to Williamsburg, Brooklyn, went bowling at two different bowling alleys (really?!?), and then took an Uber cab back to Harlem. Then he developed a fever today and called in the hazmat team.

In the next three weeks we're either going to have a whole bunch of new Ebola cases in NYC that trace to nothing more than casual contact with this doc, or we can all start believing that Ebola is actually really had to catch, and go back to worrying about other things.

(Like zombies.)
Posted by: Pete

Re: Ebola reporting - 10/24/14 04:38 AM

you are right ... this is the perfect test case.

but heres the deal. if these "walking zombies" with ebola were really very contagious - then the virus would be everywhere already. several infected people have gone thru international airports and traveled on airplanes. NOBODY in those airports, or on those planes, came down with the disease. so the chances are actually pretty low that people who were in casual contact with the infected doc ... do have this stuff. I haven't sat down to look at every activity he did. BUT unless he was pretty familiar with someone - the chances are that you are OK.

If the doc has got a girlfriend ... that might be totally different.

the thing about ebola ... the viral load in the patient during the incubation period is fairly low. so the chances of them shedding the virus, very small. and by the time the symptoms start showing, the patient is already feeling VERY bad. as in ... make tracks to the local hospital NOW. so that is helping a lot with this disease.

Let us know how this turns out, OK?

Posted by: Russ

Re: Ebola reporting - 10/24/14 04:42 AM

It's all over the news.
Posted by: Russ

Re: Ebola reporting - 10/24/14 02:35 PM

The article at NYC Races to Trace Ebola Patient's Steps concerns me a bit. He started feeling "sluggish" on Tuesday, but went to a bowling alley with friends on Wednesday night before being hospitalized Thursday with a 103F fever.

What concerns me is that this is a medical professional with experience treating Ebola patients and knowing the risks, he was out and about with friends in NYC. WTF?!!! How irresponsible...

IMO out of an "abundance of caution", it's time for mandatory supervised quarantine for all medical personnel returning from West Africa. It appears they do not have the discipline to self-isolate. A cost effective way to do this would be for CDC to lease a hotel near Atlanta (their HQ) and give all returning medical personnel a supervised 3 week vacation with free HBO and Showtime. That would be much more cost effective than chasing down every person they may have contacted after they test positive for Ebola.

Then again, maybe I'm over-reacting, after all, it's only NYC. wink

Edit: A NY Times article indicates his fever on Thursday was only 100.3F, not 103. Still, he was out and about in NYC, my comments above remain germane.
Posted by: Pete

Re: Ebola reporting - 10/24/14 03:56 PM

yeah.. two cases now of medical personnel exposed to ebola ... and not using a high level of caution. my guess is that his friends who are now in quarantine themselves - will be expressing their dismay at this behavior :-)
