Posting difficulties? This is just... weird.

Posted by: ironraven

Posting difficulties? This is just... weird. - 07/26/07 01:30 AM

I'm not a ubb admin, so maybe there is a logical explanation to this. *scratching behind my ear with my foot*

The past few days, I've seen around half a dozen posts that I was able to read because they were the newest on a thread, but the did not show up in the post list for the thread.


It is a simple post by jjmagnum commenting on putting glass on a Marlin Papoose. But it isn't in the thread tree. HTMLSpinner, any ideas? I'll try to pm this to you as you well if you miss it in the forum, but it is disconcerting.
Posted by: SwampDonkey

Re: Posting difficulties? This is just... weird. - 07/26/07 02:35 AM

Hi Ironraven,

Thank you for asking this question for me. I noticed that my topic on the Marlin Papoose has 11 replies but only 3 showed up when I opened the file. Being such a "newbie" I just thought I was doing something wrong, but I guess it is a actual problem?

Any help would be great.

Posted by: Doug_Ritter

Re: Posting difficulties? This is just... weird. - 07/26/07 02:53 AM

Rick is on (well-deserved) vacation until next week, so any answer will have to wait until then.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Posting difficulties? This is just... weird. - 07/26/07 04:13 PM

I wonder if a bug has been uncovered. We're testing a newer version of the software on the side - perhaps it may resolve. I'll try to look at the DB and see if there's anything obvious.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Posting difficulties? This is just... weird. - 07/26/07 04:14 PM

When I view the topic like this:

I see everything.
Posted by: ironraven

Re: Posting difficulties? This is just... weird. - 07/27/07 02:20 AM

So depending on how we are viewing the list, some things may or may not be visible. *shakes head, grinning*

I hate testing- it's a glitch. :P