improvised self defence

Posted by: Anonymous

improvised self defence - 01/28/06 01:48 PM

Ive decided to give taking weapons on to a plane a miss but deciced theat the following can be improvised from 100% legal items:
Suit case with wheels- battering ram/used to knock evil guy over
unopened fizzed up softdrink can- instead of pepperspray
shoelace- handcuffs/whip
coin on a chain- mace

Posted by: wildcard163

Re: improvised self defence - 01/28/06 06:34 PM

Is that from James Bond, or Jerry Lewis??? <img src="/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Although, a handful of change in a sock makes a very effective blackjack.

Posted by: Chris Kavanaugh

Re: improvised self defence - 01/28/06 08:04 PM

The last british aircraft I looked over had 3 turret positions with .303 machineguns. While your on BA listening to the Flower Duet from Lakme just close your eyes and relax. You forgot the vodka martini, shaken not stirred to the eyes young man <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />.
Posted by: Jackpine_Savage

Re: improvised self defence - 01/29/06 01:07 AM

How about a bottle of wine (Thunderbird anyone?) or a walking cane? I just couldn't waste a bottle of good scotch on a thug, so it would have to be wine.

Posted by: benjammin

Re: improvised self defence - 01/29/06 03:11 AM

How about a small bottle with dehydrated, powdered pig blood? They won't be so willing to go to Allah when they've been defiled.
Posted by: 7k7k99

Re: improvised self defence - 01/29/06 03:18 AM

pork rinds might do, I don't know where to get dehydrated powdered pig blood, although, it might be a good thing to have
Posted by: Chris Kavanaugh

Re: improvised self defence - 01/29/06 03:32 AM

People, We have members in good standing of the islamic faith. I would also point out pigs are also 'trafe' in Judaism and this is potentially offensive to that community. I am moving this thread to the campfire. Be afraid, Be very afraid.
Posted by: CJK

Re: improvised self defence - 01/29/06 06:19 PM

Chris, Thank you for straightening things out. I am NOT Islamic and was getting offended too.....
Posted by: Susan

Re: improvised self defence - 02/02/06 01:08 AM

If you want a self-defense weapon that you always carry with you, use the one on the bottom end of your leg.

And I'm not talking about kicking with your toe unless you're into ballet.

You know how you stomp on a tree branch to get it to fit in the campfire? Use it on your enemy's knee, aiming at the front or side of his knee, and do your best to fold his knee in the wrong direction.

I can tell you that it will put someone down and it hurts like h***. Properly administered, it will rip the tendons and the former-terrorist-now-victim won't be going anywhere in a hurry, if he can move at all.

He may be able to protect his eyes and his groin, but he can't do diddly about his knees.

Mean, nasty Sue <img src="/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />
Posted by: wildcard163

Re: improvised self defence - 02/02/06 01:15 AM

Good tip, Sue... that's always been my favorite fallback move if the guy's bigger or meaner than me, but be forwarned... doing stuff like this is a quick way to build a reputation as someone NOT to be fooled with <img src="/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

Posted by: Susan

Re: improvised self defence - 02/02/06 11:02 PM

" forwarned... doing stuff like this is a quick way to build a reputation as someone NOT to be fooled with."

Not TWICE, anyway! <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

Posted by: Ors

Re: improvised self defence - 02/04/06 06:06 AM

Nasty people come from all races, colors and creeds (and so do nice people!)

Historically speaking, haven't Christians had their share of "senseless" bloodshed? Crusades and Inquisitions anyone?

You know, after the knee strike Sue mentioned, it's always nice (or not so nice) to rake the outer edge of your foot down the BG's shin on the way to a nice foot stomp. I've kicked enough elbows and knees with the top of my foot to know how sensitive that area is. And even practicing the shin rake at a slow speed can make a person limp a little!
Posted by: massacre

Re: improvised self defence - 02/17/06 09:15 AM

Some items that sould be readily available on most flights:
hot coffee in the face
very tightly rolled up magazine or newspaper
sock with coins
laptop thrown at face (distraction at least, but full impact could be nasty)
laptop power cable used as a whip or garrot - add weight to end for more damage (even a DC Converter is heavy enough to hurt badly)
unopened can of pop (as projectile)
broken off suitcase handle
fire extinguisher
aerosol cans like hairspray (perhaps with lighter, but not recommended in a confined and falmmable space)
heavily laden purse or pack swung at face or weapon in hand

Some tactics:
Work in teams
Attack knees, throats, groins and eyes
Distractions in multiples - draw away attention (scream!), scald, throw projectile or whip, and then do bodily harm to disable
hold roll of coins or solid object when punching
take advantage of any situation and strike when the opportunity presents itself - it may not come again

Start learning self defense or even better - martial arts.

There's an awful lot of weapons around you every day - just look around. <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Posted by: dewey

Re: improvised self defence - 03/05/06 10:35 PM

Like any other kind of survival, knowledge is probably more important than gear. If you're concerned about the situation then learn a bit. Once you've learned something you can improvise something suitable to your techniques if you have the time. A Cross pen can either make nasty punctures or be a great pressure point device, depending on your base of knowledge. Of course, good enough and *RIGHT NOW* is usually better than a cool improv 60 seconds from now.

Weekend seminars can teach you a few tricks (a few *very useful* tricks) but getting those tricks slighly wrong can be worse than not knowing them in the first place. If you're really interested in prepartion you need repetition and practice such as can be found in martial arts schools and the like.

Remember when you're preparing that you're more likely to deal with a drunk than a terrorists so you want to know how to *not* kill someone.

Moving to specifics, if you want to control someone in an airplane asile you probably want to stay away from Aikido and Tae Kwon Do. Both of these arts can be cool but they're rather designed for more open areas. Jujitsu (traditional Japanese, not Brazilian) or similar joint locking/pressure point style would probably be best if you can find a good school. Karate would probably be a good middle ground.
Posted by: brian

Re: improvised self defence - 03/06/06 03:16 AM

I studied Tae Kwon Do for over 20 years. It's a great sport and is full of solid self defense training, atleast at the advanced level (contrary to popular belief) but it is definitely not the right kind of training for self defense in confined spaces. Hapkido would not be bad for those purposes and some TKD schools (the ones focused more on defense and less on sport and fitness) also teach Hapkido since it is also a Korean art.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: improvised self defence - 03/07/06 09:45 PM

HI guys and gals from the UK,

I have trained in Krav Maga, a total self defence system devised by the Isreali defence force, and widely used by some of your law enforcement organisations. It is excellent, and quickly developed. It's NOT a martial art, so non of the wooly stuff that comes with it, just pure defence against attack. It does exactly what it says on the tin
Posted by: BadFrog

Re: improvised self defence - 04/17/08 04:25 PM

Second vote for Krav. My instructor has played with plane,bus and train scenarios. The biggest problems are lack of room and unwillingness of other passengers to get involved - the 'Don't upset them' mindset..

My daughter has worked out that airlines will allow her to wear her favourite chopsticks in her hair AND allow a pencil sharpener in her pencil case.

Like Dewey said a Cross pen or a Rotring is also a useful tool, espcially for filling the green card on the flight smile
Posted by: sodak

Re: improvised self defence - 04/17/08 09:25 PM

Originally Posted By: 7k7k99
pork rinds might do, I don't know where to get dehydrated powdered pig blood, although, it might be a good thing to have

Good ideas! Being a redneck, I love pork rinds! Might get me more elbow room!
Posted by: EHCRain10

Re: improvised self defence - 04/17/08 09:40 PM

Where would one get training in Krav Maga?
bonus points if its in the state of VA
Posted by: JCWohlschlag

Re: improvised self defence - 04/18/08 12:25 AM

Originally Posted By: EHCRain10
Where would one get training in Krav Maga?
bonus points if its in the state of VA
Posted by: Joseph13

Re: improvised self defence - 04/18/08 01:00 AM

Whear to start....

Look into JKD (Jeet Kune DO, other wise referred to as Bruce Lee's martial art, or some of the offshoot systems like PFS taught by Paul Vunak.

I have to partially disagree with your post. As far as the Akido techniques not working in confined spaces I mean. I have used them in very crowded places numerous times. The joint locks in Akido are the same in Traditional Japanese Jujitsu. Your entire first paragraph was great and I am inclined to agree with it.

Unfortunately most schools of matial arts either put the "Black Belt" goal first, or the spiritual side first and true self-defense takes a back seat.

Another good style to look into is Filipino Eskrima (or the variants of it such as Modern Arnis or Kali).

I would recommend any of the Material put out by Michael Janich at:

I find his body of techniques to be very well suited to those with little to no experience (and just as applicable to those with more experience). With no prior experience his videos make a great guide for finding a competent instructor.

Just my $0.02 worth.
Posted by: Raspy

Re: improvised self defence - 04/18/08 02:22 AM

The thing to remember about improvised weapons is they are just that. Weapons are created from objects that come to hand. Remember if you construct a weapon example the length of hose filled with nuts and bolts or the old biker trick of a belt made of chain that is worn outside the belt loops and the police become involved it's still a weapon and you may go to jail.

If on the other hand use what comes to hand in self-defense it's not a weapon. The object is merely something you picked up. Now if you do want to carry a concealed improvised weapon construct something that appears normal but is effective.

Example a small leather draw string pouch filled with change. This is merely your way of carrying change the makes one heck of a blackjack. If equipped with longer strings as a flail.

Loose change or a change purse can be thrown as a distraction. The loose change will thrown at the face will cause anyone to duck aside and raise their hands to protect the eyes. Giving you a few seconds to gain a couple of extra steps to flee or an opening to attack. A change purse about the size of a fist is the same as a rock. Traveling at 30 or 40 miles an hour can definitely leave an impression.

Also a can of cayenne pepper with a loose lid. The active ingredient in cayenne pepper is the ingredient used in pepper spray. This is if pepper spray is illegal in your area. A face full of cayenne will drop almost anyone. Home made pepper spray. Cayenne mixed with alcohol out of a squeeze bottle.

There is always the can of coke in a sock for the frequent flyer. Or if you are worried about the metal can a water bottle works just as well. What screener would disallow a common pack as a carry on with a change of cloths including fresh socks and a plastic bottle full of water? Combined makes a decent black jack.

A tightly rolled magazine is a stick. What is paper made out of, “wood” of course?

Canes or hiking staff are self-explanatory. You have a weak knee so need the support.

Take a cap. The old fashion flat driving hats work best. Place several ounces of lead sinkers in the back. Add a small bag of hooks and some fishing line. Hey it is emergency fishing tackle. Grabbed by the bill and slapped smartly across the face of an assailant. Said person will be very surprised when they wake up.

A roll of change held in the fist. It is just spare change. But it definitely increases the impact. A double A mini flashlight can serve the same function. When using these types of items the most effective strike is to hit like a hammer so the hand load hits. A straight punch can hurt the fingers.

Does anyone remember the old Bic pen commercial where they fired the pen out of a rifle through a pine board? Sure the plastic shattered but the point remained intact. You now have a stabbing weapon.

Then along the same lines are the rat tailed combs and brushes. They can poke quit a nasty hole. And does any of the older crowd remember the fro picks from the 60’s and 70’s. Back then there were places that outlawed them as a concealed weapon, especially the metal tined ones, because they were being used effectively as one.

A 12-inch steel drafting ruler makes a nasty slashing weapon. Two things don’t sharpen or wrap part of it as a handle. Both scream a prepared weapon. You are slashing not slicing. Add some graph or drawing paper to your clipboard along with drawing or drafting pencils as cover.

A clipboard can be used as a shield to deflect an attack. It can also be used to strike edge on.

The list could go on and on. The ideal concealed weapon is not a weapon at all. Just a common ordinary object that can be used as such. So forget the fancy ninja and oriental fighting weapons. Most of those were common everyday farm implements not weapons back then. With the exception of the cap fishing kit and the homemade pepper spray all are normal but effective tools.

These are objects that you could carry among many others. Then there are environmental objects to consider. These can be found anywhere from the country to the city. All it really takes is the proper mindset to realize their potential. It truly amazes me that airport screening is so concerned about such trivial things like nail clippers. The world is full of weapons you just have to reach out and use them.

Most government buildings where the rules are the strictest are loaded. Most have those lightweight plastic and bent rod chairs. You could easily beat someone silly with them. Now days almost every place has drop ceilings. T shaped tracks made of metal supports these. While the main runners are long the cross supports usually 2 or 4 feet long. They are not real heavy so don’t hit like a baseball bat they will cause some damage because of speed. The ends are somewhat pointy and could be used as a stabbing weapon.

Rocks, bottles, chunks of bricks, whatever as impact or thrown weapons.

A piece of pipe or a stick is rather obvious.

A trash can lid is both a defensive device and a weapon. Back in the days of the knights of old the shield number one job was to deflect the opponents weapons but was also used effectively to bash flat into someone or smash with the edge. While the old metal can lids are the best especially when turned to offensive strikes the plastic ones will deflect a strike.

The next time you are sitting around cooling your heels waiting for an appointment take a couple of minutes and look around. What is lying about loose and how it could be used. What can you pry from the walls or ceiling that could be used to slash, poke or swat with. Or doing the same thing while walking down the street. After a few times of doing this deliberately it is amazing how easily it becomes seeing the myriad of objects that surround you that can be used to protect yourself.

Remember anything you deliberately carried for self-defense as long as it has a legitimate purpose the police can ignore it as a weapon. But if it appears to be a contrived weapon you could be in a whole lot of trouble. Do not fancy up or improve the object to make it more lethal. Learn how to use it effectively as it comes out of the box. If it screams weapon you will be looked on as the aggressor not the victim. If you win you will be looked at hard enough as it is. In this current PC world they will give the poor unfortunate criminal the benefit of the doubt. You as the victim defending yourself is considered in a bad light to begin with throw in a weapon or anything prepared as a WEAPON. Well you get the picture. Learn to use the world around you.

Remember C. Y. A. Just in case.