Inter-Library Loans

Posted by: Susan

Inter-Library Loans - 10/18/11 12:58 AM

I've run into two people in the last two weeks who had never heard of Inter-Library loans (ILL).

So I'm posting the info here, just in case that some people aren't aware that the service exists.

Libraries loan books to each other all the time, all across the country, up and down, back and forth.

If you read about a certain book that sounds interesting to you, but your library (or local library system) doesn't have it, you can ask them to borrow it from another library outside the local system.

You can either fill out the card at the library (ours are green, don't know about other places), and many/most libraries with online systems have a method where you can order them online. You can ask them to run through the procedure for you.

You need a current library card, and the title and author of the book you want. The form has a place to include the publisher and date of publication, but that is more important if you need a particular edition. And they will ask you what library you want it delivered to. Some libraries have started asking how much you're willing to pay to get it, but I always put $0, and only reason I don't get a book is if no one has it.

The library puts your request into the system. It may take a few weeks to get it if they have to do an extensive search because it's uncommon. I've gotten books from all over the country.

There seems to be a funny rule about renewing ILLs: if you let the (usually 2-wk) loan period go past, you can't renew it. But if it's due on the 6th and you CALL them on the 5th and there's no hold on it by anyone else, they will renew it. DON'T try to renew online, it doesn't work here -- CALL.

If they can't get it, they will usually let you know. And, once in a while, they get one that you have to look at in the library, you can't take it home. Usually these are quite expensive books.

Posted by: Blast

Re: Inter-Library Loans - 10/18/11 02:34 AM

I second this, DW uses this all the time. She suggests building a relationship with your librarian. Our librarian is constantly getting DW books that are generally considered too rare to be sent out via ILL, but she's developed trust in the DW and so she always pulls strings.

Posted by: Bingley

Re: Inter-Library Loans - 10/18/11 03:28 AM

Use inter-library loans wisely, but please don't abuse this service. By that I mean get only the books you are committed to reading/using. Inter-library loans are actually rather costly to the libraries (I read somewhere that each ILL request costs $25). But I suspect most people who are involved enough in their studies/readings to use ILL, probably don't use it lightly.
Posted by: Finn

Re: Inter-Library Loans - 10/24/11 09:52 PM

Am a huge fan of the library!
Read both of Cody Lundin's books from ILL and so many others.
Today I am checking out the Field & Stream Outdoorsman's... & another from the regional system. The library ordered the F&S at my request! How cool is that?!
My librarian is a friend and all of them keep an eye out for good stuff for me.
Um, does the FBI watch the ILL? Just curious.

Posted by: kd7fqd

Re: Inter-Library Loans - 10/25/11 12:13 AM

Of course the FBI watches the ILL, to see if we're building rouge flashlights or sharing ideas on how to be ready in case of emergency. of course we can't have that then what would FEMA do when there's nobody to take care of
Posted by: Susan

Re: Inter-Library Loans - 10/25/11 10:59 PM

Um, does the FBI watch the ILL? Just curious.

With a copy of The Anarchist's Cookbook in my hand, I asked that very question! My library said no, but that might have been prior to 9/11.

Just come right out and ask your library! Come to think of it, maybe I should ask mine again, too.

Posted by: chaosmagnet

Re: Inter-Library Loans - 10/25/11 11:51 PM

Current law requires libraries to answer records requests when the FBI issues them a "National Security Letter." They're not allowed to inform anyone of receiving an NSL, and there's no judicial oversight. Many libraries of my acquaintance have responded by no longer maintaining historical records of borrowed materials. This way if they receive an NSL, they are only able to respond with information about materials currently circulating.
Posted by: Paul810

Re: Inter-Library Loans - 10/26/11 12:18 AM

Inter-Library me back to my college days. grin