Which boots have the grippiest soles.

Posted by: scafool

Which boots have the grippiest soles. - 01/16/09 01:30 AM

It is almost time for me to buy new boots.
I have become seriously disappointed in the soles available.
New Vibram wears longer because it is much harder than it used to be, but it sacrifices grip for resistance to wear.

Natural rubber and crepe rubber give excellent grip but wear out and get eaten up by oil too fast.
Felt soles and caulked soles are great for what they are meant for but are not what I need.

Has anybody found anything with really good grip even on wet steel that wears well?
Posted by: Desperado

Re: Which boots have the grippiest soles. - 01/16/09 01:37 AM

Personally, I wear Red Wing brand boots. I really don't remember the outsole, but I think Vibram. I do know they make an awesome work boot, but not too much for warm work boots. If you tried to wear my Red Wings in a Canadian winter, longevity of the sole would be your least concern.

You might look into the thread about Whites Boots, from last week I think.

They had insulated work boots, and seems the folks that commented liked them.

Posted by: MDinana

Re: Which boots have the grippiest soles. - 01/16/09 02:24 AM

It's probably not the boot you're looking for, but the sole, as many high quality boots can be re-soled. A few years back I hit up a shoe shop, and the owner showed me about a dozen different Vibram sole options available.

I like Wolverines and Chippewa's personally. The wolverines have their own soles, but the Chip's used Vibram. After a few years I resoled the Wolves with Vibram, but they were a bit softer than those on the Chip's.
Posted by: scafool

Re: Which boots have the grippiest soles. - 01/16/09 02:59 AM

Yes, that is the problem. I have not found any good soft Vibram with lugs lately.
Redwing has a new type of material on some of their boots but they don't seem to sell it separately for resoling.
I have a pair of their dress shoes with it. Good stuff.
It looks more and more like my next hiking boots might be Redwings.

I am really hoping for more suggestions people might have on ones they found to be good.
Posted by: Art_in_FL

Re: Which boots have the grippiest soles. - 01/16/09 04:58 AM

If you want the absolute 'grippiest' soles try rock climbing boots. You can literally friction climb up vertical glass with them as long as you can find firm enough hand holds to keep from 'peeling off' the wall. Such boots are meant only for climbing and are less than useless for hiking or normal use because they very painfully distort and compress the feet.

Except for their virtues keeping people from sliding off cliffs they would be listed as torture devices and banned under international law. They work best when grossly undersized and tied so tight that they qualify as a specialized form of sadomasochism. In the the right size properly tied makes Chinese foot binding seem like a kindness.

That and the rubber used is very soft and thin. After a few hours of use the rubber wears off and the canvas stretches which makes them more comfortable but less useful for climbing.

Boating boots designed for wet decks are good on wet steel but most lack the steel arch support that makes climbing on narrow steel and scaffolding easier on the feet.

Building scaffolding I used USGI jungle boots tied tight. If, when, they glazed over because of wear polishing or oil I would scuff the soles up on rough concrete.

Others have had good results with various brands of tennis or running shoes. The guy I worked with most used Converse high-tops and claimed they gripped the steel as long as he didn't step in any oil. They lacked any arch support and would have my feet hurting in a few hours but he was young and tough.
Posted by: yelp

Re: Which boots have the grippiest soles. - 01/16/09 07:24 AM

When it comes to 'grippy' other than Converse Hi-Tops, I have to swear by Red Wings whatever-they-call-them (for certain things, at least):


In a few years of trolling around old-school underground mines (not caves, mind you - walking level-ish ground, climbing ladders, etc) they've been the best in both of terms of wearability and comfort...and the comfort is comparable to a new (not broken-in) running shoe. Pretty good for a boot.

Since I can't recall (find) a model number, the instep says "Oil-Resistant Long-Wearing Non-Marking Urethane." It really feels like a gum sole. Highly recommended, and also by a compatriot.

I realize this is the second of my posts extolling the virtues of Red Wings; they've never done me wrong, but the guys with Whites have complained more about their feet than anybody else. Not that White makes a bad boot but if you're going to complain about something, it doesn't matter what you're carrying / wearing. Personality issue.

Anyway, disclaimer disclaimer.
Posted by: scafool

Re: Which boots have the grippiest soles. - 01/16/09 07:25 AM

I will not be building scaffolds again, but you certainly nailed it for what I used to do a lot of. (bad accident, automotive)
I found the flat soled rigger's boots pretty good.
Not as good as heeled boots on the ground but great for walking iron.
I would like to see a set of boots tried with deck soles, but I am not sure how those razor cut treads would stand up to the normal abuse.

Wow. You and Art. I spent three years in narrow vein gold mining when I was younger. The boots were almost all tribar rubber miner's boots.
Heavy clunky things, but you really did not have much choice.
Unlike most peoples idea of a mine most mines are very wet places.
Once you go underground you start running into water.
Think of a well.
Then think of a really big and deep well.

But powder really is the ultimate power tool!
I loved playing with it.
We used mostly ANFO with nonel caps linked to a detcord loop with an single electric.
We had stick powder too but it was really only for wet holes.
I still remember the day I drilled into a water vein. LOL!!
It pushed the jackleg and drillsteel out like somebody spitting out a watermelon seed.
An inch and an eighth hole with about 400 feet of head behind it.
It took three days of grouting with oatmeal and cement before we could take our round.
Posted by: quick_joey_small

Re: Which boots have the grippiest soles. - 01/16/09 01:55 PM

I've never slipped on any surface in my nikes. the standard waffle iron design is as grippy as any (the tread on car tyres is designed by the marketing department). And if you pronate badly their 'air sole' is a blessing.
Quick Joey Small
Posted by: 2005RedTJ

Re: Which boots have the grippiest soles. - 01/16/09 10:30 PM

I bought a pair of Timberland Titan steel-toes a while back. I've stopped wearing any other shoes since then. They are extremely comfortable and grip very well. I've walked on all kind of surfaces and never lost traction in them.
Posted by: redflare

Re: Which boots have the grippiest soles. - 01/19/09 07:48 PM

I have these guys http://zeta.zappos.com/product/7396863/color/3
and they are very comfortable and super anti-slip
Posted by: picard120

Re: Which boots have the grippiest soles. - 01/20/09 01:44 AM

Can't you put those sole sticky glue on the tread to improve traction?

athlete shoes have extra glue on the tread to help them sprint or play basket ball.
Posted by: KenK

Re: Which boots have the grippiest soles. - 01/20/09 01:44 AM

I've recently tried two different models of L.L. Bean boots:

Men's Gore-Tex Day Hikers, All Leather; TA49792; $109

Men's Gore-Tex Cresta Hikders, All Leather; TA20557; $179

I did a lot of reading of reviews from many different sources, and heard nothing but good about the Cresta Hikers. I bought the Cresta's first and REALLY like them - can't say anything bad about them. I bought the lower cost Day Hikers on kind of a whim - based upon a suggestion from someone - as a daily wear beat-em-up boot.

The Cresta Hikers felt much more comfortable right off - with hardly any break-in. The Day Hikers required more break-in, but are now very comfortable. I wish the Cresta Hikers had the same plastic top-cap found on the Day Hikers.

I'd highly recommend either. Both have Vibram soles - but different treads. The Cresta's is a bit more "classic".

Posted by: snoman

Re: Which boots have the grippiest soles. - 01/20/09 02:14 AM

Originally Posted By: scafool
Which boots have the grippiest soles

The ones with the crampons on them!

Seriously, I bought a pair of boots from Cabela's with what I think were called 'Airbob' soles. Great traction outside, though I thought they didn't last very long. I have no idea how they'd work on wet steel.

- Dave
Posted by: Muleskinner

Re: Which boots have the grippiest soles. - 01/20/09 12:13 PM

I hunt a lot, all over the United States. From the Mountains to the plains, I have found the "Air Bob sole" to have the best traction in the outdoors enviornment.

Posted by: Desperado

Re: Which boots have the grippiest soles. - 01/20/09 12:32 PM

Originally Posted By: Muleskinner
I hunt a lot, all over the United States. From the Mountains to the plains, I have found the "Air Bob sole" to have the best traction in the outdoors enviornment.


"Air Bob sole's" are great on outdoor environments like you said, but suck on wet/frozen steel. I had a difficult day of it until I realized the issue. Mud/dirt, yep... ice/snow encrusted stuff, nope.
Posted by: ducktapeguy

Re: Which boots have the grippiest soles. - 01/20/09 03:56 PM

FiveTen stealth rubber is the grippiest rubber on earth, or so they claim. I have the soles on a couple of pairs of shoes and I would have to agree. It's unbelievable how well they grip, you almost feel like you're glued to the ground. Unfortunately on the shoes I've tried the quality isn't very good or very comfortable, but it's almost worth the discomfort for the grip they provide.

I've only found one lightweight hiking boot that uses stealth rubber in their regular hiking boot, the Vasque Catalyst Mid. It's the best of both worlds, a comfortable shoe with great sole. The rubber does wear out faster than a normal sole, but that's the price you pay for friction.

You can also look for approach shoes, most climbing shoe brands have one. They are basically rock climbing rubber soles on a light weight non-rockclimbing shoe (no boots). They're made to wear while hiking to a climbing spot, where you need a comfortable shoe to walk longer distances in, but also grippy soles to do scrambling. Doesn't sound like you're going to using these for hiking, so don't know if this'll work for you.

Posted by: Be_Prepared

Re: Which boots have the grippiest soles. - 01/21/09 03:00 AM

You might try a safety boot with a non-slip sole from these guys:


They apparently are pretty confident in the technology, somewhere on the site it mentioned that they have a "slip and fall" warrantee where they'll reimburse up to $5000 for any workers comp claim because you slipped in their boot.