Korean Survival Supplies

Posted by: AROTC

Korean Survival Supplies - 10/24/08 02:34 PM

So, I finally got around to going to the E-mart here in Korea. The Korean equivalent of a Super Walmart. While Koreans are big into hiking and camping, survival equipment doesn't seem to crop up very often. However, I found somethings that aren't available in the US or perhaps just aren't as readily available. One is pretty generic, but its about 10 inch by 2 inch paraffin candles, for about a dollar each. They had bigger ones too, and big pillar candles. For lighting your house in a power outage, these would be/will be perfect. I haven't seen similar candles in the US anywhere as cheap. The second thing I found is mini-packets of instant light charcoal. The package is foil, about 4x4x2 inches. A single package would be perfect for a day hike and you could put several into a car kit. An additional fuel option that won't leak and will catch fire instantly. Good for warming you up in winter just tear open and light. Less then a dollar per packet. I doubt there's anyway for me to get this back to the US, does anyone know if they're available there?
Posted by: ironraven

Re: Korean Survival Supplies - 10/24/08 09:34 PM

Well, how hard would it be to put 6-8 briquettes and a handful of pj balls in a wax paper envelope, then vacuum seal the whole package?
Posted by: AROTC

Re: Korean Survival Supplies - 10/25/08 12:29 AM

I just remembered, they also sell a lot of metal pots with locking lids. I guess they're for transporting food like Tupperware, but made out of 18 gauge stainless steel and they come in all different sizes.
Posted by: Blast

Re: Korean Survival Supplies - 10/25/08 03:10 AM

I picked up some of those steel containers with the locking lids and flip-out handles while we were in China. They rock! I especially love it for holding my finds while out collecting wild edibles.

Posted by: MDinana

Re: Korean Survival Supplies - 10/25/08 06:27 PM

So, I've got a question - more of a muse -, since AROTC is in Korea (I assume stationed there, based on the "butter bar" in your name). Ramen appears to be a kind of generic storage item around ETS (either for cheap college food, small/dry long term supply, intended to supplement other food, etc)... do Koreans have their own Ramen version? Or in some wierd cosmic irony, do they stock dehydrated cheeseburgers and apple pies for survival?

Just one random thought from one Butter bar to another.

Posted by: CANOEDOGS

Re: Korean Survival Supplies - 10/25/08 09:16 PM

Butter Bar-- i have not had good/real Ramen since i was in Korea in 1968-69..even the made in Korea packs in the Asia food shops just don't taste the same..our houseboys would get it "someplace" and bring it cooked and hot--
Posted by: AROTC

Re: Korean Survival Supplies - 10/26/08 12:18 AM

They have all kinds of ramen here. You can get some of them in the US, more expensive then the basic ramen, but with much better flavors. Look in the Asian section for a styrofoam bowl with a red lid and almost no English except "Kimchi" on it. Spicy but very tasty.
Posted by: ironraven

Re: Korean Survival Supplies - 10/26/08 12:34 AM

I've seen it.

Does it have kim chi in it? I hate kim chi, that's why I didn't get any.
Posted by: AROTC

Re: Korean Survival Supplies - 10/26/08 12:55 AM

Sort of, there's like cup of soup freeze dried bits in there that I think are supposed to be kimchi. Mostly it tastes spicy. But for 60 or 70 cents its worth trying.