Nother visual aid question

Posted by: Chisel

Nother visual aid question - 01/28/07 09:31 PM

I am near sighted. I have a spare pair in my car. However that pair is only good for walking or driving, not for reading anything on paper or screens. It cant help me - for example - to read a message on my cellular phone or an ad in the newspaper. Maybe if its a bright day, I can manage, but in low light I need my reading glasses, or a mgnifying lense.

So, can you suggest any EDCable lens that will not be easily scratched or damaged ??
Posted by: DesertFox

Re: Nother visual aid question - 01/28/07 10:11 PM

I found some "cheater readers" at Barnes and Noble that come in a sturdy metal case. I carry them in my EDC as a spare set. The case protects them pretty well, even though the lenses, per se, aren't scratch resistant.