Wife's bugout bag

Posted by: technician

Wife's bugout bag - 11/26/06 09:28 PM

I am putting together a separate bugout bag for my wife.

Besides putting things in her bag that may be exclusive to her, I have some questions. Should I pack hers pretty much like mine, so we have at least two of everything. Or should I pack essentials in mine, and nice-to-have in hers.

Thanks in advance.
Posted by: Blast

Re: Wife's bugout bag - 11/26/06 09:49 PM

My wife and I have similar gear in our BOB's (though mine has more tools and so is heavier). This is in case we somehow get separated (God forbid!).

Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: Wife's bugout bag - 11/26/06 10:10 PM

Not knowing what you have or plan to have in the kits, and where you plan to go, it is hard to answer your question. So I will just make a few guesses.

Assuming that you are physically able to handle more weight in your bag, you could have the big stuff, and give her lighter weight gear that could allow her to remain somewhat prepared if you get separated, and would complement your gear if not. You carry the tent, she carries a tarp, and knows how to use it to make a shelter. You carry the big stove and fuel, she carries a Pepsi can stove and small bottle of alcohol. You carry most of the food, she carries the main entree from a couple of MRE's and a bag of granola bars. You carry the folding saw, she carries a wire saw. You would each carry your own clothing, personal meds, etc, but each having some of the personal meds for the other wouldn't hurt either. Just keep thinking along those lines and see what you can work out...
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wife's bugout bag - 11/27/06 12:26 AM

I know Doug R. has a list of items on here that shows what to include for family.

I dont know how strong your wife is but it shouldnt be too heavy for her. and dont foget to include womenly things if you know what i mean.
Posted by: Susan

Re: Wife's bugout bag - 11/27/06 12:49 AM

Does she know about this bag? If so, get her input. If it's a surprise, leave room in it for what she thinks is important.

Is this going to be in her car, sort of a Bug-Home kit?

Whichever, it needs to cover at least the basics: shelter, warmth, water, a way to signal for help, and food (food isn't a real necessity, but it can help comfort, and help keep your body heat up).

I would put enough stuff in her kit so you could both use it, in case your kit gets stolen, lost, burned or buried. Keep a copy of important phone numbers, policy numbers, etc in both kits, waterproofed.

Posted by: ironraven

Re: Wife's bugout bag - 11/27/06 02:29 AM

I would say that your wife's kit should be able to stand on it's own. Getting seperated is a possibility that should be thought about, so she should get the essentials as well. And if you are bugged longer than you planned, the extra gear will be welcome.

Unless she isn't essential and just nice to have. Which I'm hoping isn't the case.
Posted by: Angel

Re: Wife's bugout bag - 11/27/06 02:35 AM

Whatever you decide to put in her bag, you should go over all of it with her so she will know what it's all for and how to use it. She may have some ideas that you haven't thought of.
Posted by: 311

Re: Wife's bugout bag - 11/27/06 05:37 AM

Not knowing that you have it is the same as not having it.
Posted by: Kuovonne

Re: Wife's bugout bag - 11/28/06 03:52 AM

What does your wife want in the bag?

If she cares, explain what all you are considering to put in it, what is in yours, and when the bag would be used. Then ask her which items she wants in her bag.

If she doesn't care, make it as easy to use as possible, and don't expect her to reach for it until you are in the middle of an emergency and you tell her to grab it.

My main piece of advice is don't expect your wife to actively carry anything that she thinks is pointless. So, trim stuff that she objects to or gently educate her on its usefulness.

Posted by: Kuovonne

Re: Wife's bugout bag - 11/28/06 04:12 AM

Not knowing that you have it is the same as not having it.

I disagree slightly in this case. Picture a wife with no interest in preparedness and who refuses to look at the contents of the bugout bag prepared for her. If and when an emergency occurs, she will be better off with the bag than without it, even if she initially has no idea what gear is in the bag or how to use the gear.

I don't know what technician's wife is like. However, I know that there are wives out there who fit the description above.

Posted by: bassnbear

Re: Wife's bugout bag - 11/30/06 12:34 AM

My wife is one of those who couldn't care less about what's in the BoB, but I've put together one for her anyway. It is (more or less) designed as a stand alone BoB in case we are separated or mine is lost, stolen, burned, or otherwise unusable. I carry the heavier items and hers has the lighter items when it's feasible. Hers only weighs about 14 pounds without her "personal things" and mine is a little over twice that. We double up on guns, ammo, knives, etc. and she carries some food. She carries her own clothes, water, and personal items. She has the canteen stove and a few Trioxane bars and I have the folding stove and more bars. I have the tritium military compass and she has a Brunton 9020 (and we both have pin on button compasses). And so it goes with all the gear.
Posted by: Brangdon

Re: Wife's bugout bag - 12/02/06 05:36 PM

I'd pack essentials in both, and different nice to haves in both. The real essentials (light, fire, whistle, blade) don't take much room and you might lose one pack.
Posted by: epirider

Re: Wife's bugout bag - 12/05/06 05:48 PM

I started my wifes BOB and all of a sudden it became a family project that we both enjoyed putting together. Then we went on a "camping trip" and was able to practice using all the equipment. Not only was it fun but it also made us re-think a few things. My wife carries a lot of redundancies to my bag, but she also carries a few things that I dont have in mine. Her's is about 37 lbs. and we go for walks with them on. Not only is it great exersize but we - again get to spend some quality time together and she is now "equipped to survive".
Posted by: FIELDDOC

Re: Wife's bugout bag - 12/06/06 01:59 PM

I don't have a wife, but I did build a BOB for my friends daughter. I wrote on waterproof paper what the items were and how they worked.
Posted by: wildman800

Re: Wife's bugout bag - 12/08/06 01:01 AM

I just put together a BOB for my daughter who is attending a university`in another city. Her multi-year boyfriend is at the university as well. The primary threat to her is the second largest refinery in the country being next door and up-wind of the university. Her boyfriend is an Eagle Scout but has no BOB. I packed basic equipment for the bag but included extra rations for him as well. I have asked him to put together a BOB and he can use the "extra's" that I have included in her kit, which will then lighten her load somwhat. Besides her car as the primary escape vehicle, she knows to "hang" their bicycles on before Bugging Out, as secondary vehicles.
When one refuses "to get it", the "realistic" one must allow for it and prepare anyway!