3 bits of gear

Posted by: AyersTG

3 bits of gear - 05/30/06 12:42 PM

Picked up a few items over the last month and have been fiddling around with them (and it was a GREAT long weekend for camping this past weekend! Hot, though)

1. The AMK Heatsheet - Doug was right on target about this. And yes, I was able to re-fold it to the original size with no difficulty.

2. Hydralite Original Citrus (aka Gookinaid) - have not tried the flavors; one of the things I like about this is it's pretty much a non-flavor. Great stuff; I used it many many years ago and forgot about it because it's not on-the-shelf in my area. Goodbye, Gatoraide! Got a good-enough deal at REI and once again am carrying a liter pre-mixed on hot days and two 1 qt packages in the FAK for emergency re-hydration.

3. Campmor's Advanced Medical Kit - At the cost difference between this and the AMK Fundamentals kit, I was able to stock-up the Campmor (Atwater Cary) kit beyond the AMK Fundamentals AND put it into an Outdoor Research Hydroseal bag for less cost. http://tinyurl.com/4q96r (This became our new patrol FAK for the Troop) Not a thing wrong with the AMK kit; it's great, but... "A Scout is Thrifty..."

... btw, the Campmor re-stock kit is a heck of a convenient bargain (OK - we get a scout discount, too) for the basis of a personal FAK. And I found out by purchasing that both the Campmor re-stock kit and all the Hart items that REI carries come in proper-sized zipped plastic bags - remove the cardboard tag and the stuff is ready to slide into the FAK.

Unsual non-affiliation comments.
