Likely Survival Situations?

Posted by: Anonymous

Likely Survival Situations? - 02/06/02 01:37 AM

New here, and wondering what you folks see as the most likely survival situations? With the "war on terrorism", apparent "prophecies coming true", and the staggering losses of jobs (possible economic disasters?), isn't it more likely that simple day-to-day survival might be something we should all be preparing for?<br><br>I'm not talking Y2K stuff, here, just plain and simple hard times to come... I see it all around me, and am taking steps to help my family and others get through them through my website and ebooks (<br><br>I commandeered the term "Junk Science" to cover my own skills at taking commonplace items and turning them to uses that make my life easier, less expensive, and self-sufficient. A lot of my articles are online, drop by and take a look if you get time.<br><br>But again, my question is, aren't these potential scenarios more likely than a jetliner crash on a desert island?<br><br>Wayne
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Likely Survival Situations? - 02/06/02 02:21 AM

Wayne,<br> <br>Welcome, Glad to have you here! The site adminstrator / owner started with survival gear for general aviation over wilderness and water. The site has grown much larger since then but that remains the bulk of the info here - temprorary survival in mostly wilderness settings. There have been a few threads on urban survival in the forum and there are some interesting links under that title on the site. There is also an article from an MD that was active in the first few days after 9/11 at ground zero - makes great reading.<br><br>Haven't seen much here on surviving long-term unemployment during economics tough times and TEOTWAWKI scenarios are specifically not addressed as per this link from the front-page<br><br>The slant I have seen here is mostly temporary interruptions of life-as-usual scenarios like the ones on the stories pages.<br><br><br>There have been some interesting threads on the forum on bugging out and bugging in during localized disasters such as terrorism, flood, quake, storm ... (Fema sorts of events)<br><br>Just skimmed you site and some of your technique and "junk science" is very interesting and quite welcome here. You will probably find more of the same in the forum.
Posted by: Chris Kavanaugh

Re: Likely Survival Situations? - 02/06/02 03:25 AM

"When the next race war comes Im siding with the bears"- John Muir