Strike-Anywhere matches shelf life

Posted by: Anonymous

Strike-Anywhere matches shelf life - 02/01/02 01:19 AM

What is the shelf life of a Ohio blue-tip or a Diamond strike-anywhere match?<br><br>I have read Doug's excellent article on matches located at <br><br>I contacted Diamond by phone and the person answering told me that as long as they were stored cool and dry, the shelf life was indefinite.<br><br>Does anyone have contrary information? If so, what is the time interval at which I should rotate out my strike-anywhere matches?<br><br>I appreciate all responses. <br>Thank you! Xavier AZ
Posted by: red_jeep

Re: Strike-Anywhere matches shelf life - 02/01/02 04:05 AM

I recently opened up one of those metal match containers that had some old, strike-anywhere matches in there. Trying to light one, it seemed to strike, and burn, but not with a decent flame. It didn't even catch the wood on fire. Not what I'd consider usable in the least.<br><br> I'd guess they were in the neighborhood of 15-20 years old. I remembered stocking them up at my grandmother's place when I was about 10, and I'm 24 now, so add a few years of storage before that. <br><br>I'm sure they weren't always stored in ideal conditions (in the box in a humid garage, then later in that metal container) so they might last longer otherwise. But, survival situations, by defiinition, aren't ideal conditions, so I'd probably give them 5 years at best. <br><br>Get yourself some Coglahns Waterproof/Windproof matches and store them in a waterproof container. Better yet, get some "NATO Lifeboat Matches". Both kinds have huge heads (4-5X the size of a normal match head) so they won't go out easily. They're also varnished to prevent moisture from getting to them even if stored in humid conditions. The lifeboat matches are more like "strike-anywhere" but I've heard conflicting reports about their "strike-anywhereness". The Coglahns definitely require an external striker, so be sure to pack that, too.
Posted by: jet

Re: Strike-Anywhere matches shelf life - 02/01/02 04:47 AM

<blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr><p>The lifeboat matches are more like "strike-anywhere" but I've heard conflicting reports about their "strike-anywhereness".<p><hr></blockquote><p>My report:<br>Lifeboat matches definitely require an external striker designed specifically for matches. I have destroyed LIfeboat matches trying in vain to ignite them on bricks, concrete, metal files, etc., but I have easily ignited them on every matchbook or matchbox striker I have ever tried them on (which is more than a few).
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Strike-Anywhere matches shelf life - 02/01/02 02:22 PM

Had some Diamond strike anywhere matches in a screw top aluminum container for fifteen years. They did light but not as if new. If I were going to put up strike anywhere matches, a good idea would be to vacume seal them. If you don't have a vacume sealer, go to your local sausage maker. They would probably do it for about .20 cents per box. Your Coghlan waterproof matches at $3.95 per 10 boxes would also be a good choice for long term. They are not strike anywhere, but they make a flame. Another plus of vacume sealing would be no oxygen for fuel if ignited accidently.<br><br>Regards<br>Hunter
Posted by: Chris Kavanaugh

Re: Strike-Anywhere matches shelf life - 02/04/02 07:42 AM

Strike anywhere matches can be treated with either laquer ( nail polish) or simply dipping in a quality wax. This will improve safety and shelf life. Few expendable items maintain full strength after the 15 years described in earlier posts, including their users ;O(