Doug's small knife Blades

Posted by: Anonymous

Doug's small knife Blades - 10/18/01 09:41 PM

Does anyone know why Doug only carries the two small knife blades in his kit. Why doesn't he carry a bigger pocket knife to fit into the kit?<br><br>Ted
Posted by: Chris Kavanaugh

Re: Doug's small knife Blades - 10/19/01 01:42 AM

Are you asking why the knives are stored in the kit, or critiquing the size of the knives? Full sized field knives can be awkward to wear while in the cramped quarters of an aircraft. In the event of a crash, the small knives for cutting web strapping are much more accessable and needed. when horseback riding, I have a small neck knife for wrecks. a small fixed blade is down my boot.I got tossed once. getting hit in the kidney with your own knife hilt is no fun.
Posted by: Doug_Ritter

Re: Doug's small knife Blades - 10/19/01 10:50 AM

I'm not sure, but I'm guessing you're asking why there is no real knife inside the kit, just the two utility blades?<br><br>I normally carry no less than my Sebenza and a multi-purpose tool that includes a knife on my person, giving me at least two knife blades, usually 3 or 4 total, so having a knife inside the kit would be superfulous and take up a lot of space that can be used for more useful stuff. <br><br>The two utility blades in the kit are simply for back-up, skinning, whatever use. You could easily argue they aren't really necessary, but they are flat, thin and take up so little volume... Your mileage may vary.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Doug's small knife Blades - 10/19/01 01:32 PM

Chris,<br><br>No, No, No, I am not critizizing the choice of the small utility blades. I am just trying to understand why he carries them when you can get a small knife in there which could do more. There has to be a reason. I do the think the kit is the best I have ever seen!!!<br><br>Ted
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Doug's small knife Blades - 10/19/01 02:00 PM

Doug,<br>Thank you for responding back, I see that makes sense now. I have assembled the kit and I did go out and buy the blades. I also tested them to see what they can do. I was amazed at how tough and sharp those blades are, I was able to cut pretty much whatever I wanted. I even made a medium size figure four trap out of dried cotten wood. The blade is still sharp enough to do alot more. I did have to be very careful though. It was easier to carve the trap with the small blade than with my small lock back. Now I can have several small sharp blades as opposed to one small knife that I would have to sharpen soon.
Posted by: Craig

Re: Doug's small knife Blades - 10/19/01 07:18 PM

"getting hit in the kidney with your own knife hilt is no fun"<br><br>Merely reading that was painful.