Collins Gem SAS Survival Guide(Out of print?)

Posted by: boatman

Collins Gem SAS Survival Guide(Out of print?) - 06/11/04 12:43 PM

I just bought this great little book.I got it at my favorite army navy surplus store.It was the last one the store had.The shop owner told me that I am lucky to get it.He tried to order more and was informed that the publisher has discontinued them.If this is so get one if you can find one.Perhaps Chris K. can find out for sure.
Posted by: Polak187

Re: Collins Gem SAS Survival Guide(Out of print?) - 06/11/04 01:09 PM

Yeah picked it up few weeks ago and it is a great little gem. It has some interesting stuff. I was reading the snare section and some of the images and wording were not really clear but I will give them a try in the field. But the rest of the book is pretty straight forward. Funny thing is that all the map reading, cloud recognition, compass use, directions, vegetations, rock formations and stuff to do with orientation were part of my Geography lectures when I was 10 years old and living in Poland. And this was just my school. I'm not even talking about boy scouts. I'm really suprised that Geography and its aspects are not covered in depth here in the US high schools.

Amazon, ebay, still have them starting at $5.

I also really like the disclaimer on the first page <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


Posted by: boatman

Re: Collins Gem SAS Survival Guide(Out of print?) - 06/11/04 05:12 PM

The nice thing in this book is that the content is always timeless.It is good old fasioned field craft.I didn't know you lived in Poland.My wife is of strong Polish heritage.Her Busha taught me to make great perrogi and gulumpki(sp).If you are ever in western Michigan stop in and have some. <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Posted by: leemann

Re: Collins Gem SAS Survival Guide(Out of print?) - 06/11/04 05:43 PM

I have 2 good small size lots of info get one good stuff.
Are they going out of print? hope not..

Lee <img src="/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />
Posted by: ScottRezaLogan

Re: Collins Gem SAS Survival Guide(Out of print?) - 06/12/04 03:15 AM

You All might Still be Able to Find a Copy or Two, on the Shelf of your typical Borders or Barnes and Noble.

Go to the Sports Section. Survival / Outdoors / Camping / Firearms / Hunting and Fishing / Etc are Each Major and Respectable Subsections there! This Gem will Obviously, if there, -be Found within the Survival Subsection.

Failing it's Prescence, -You Still may be Well Able to Order it! Unless perhaps They Too've Got the Same Bad News your Navy Surplus has! Give it a Try though! There's still a Good Chance you may Be Able to Land this Book!

And to Polak 187, -Yes Indeed, -Geography's Now been Long One of our Sorriest, Most Pathetic Areas within our General American "Educational" System! Thay Along With Some of our Most Elementary, Basic, and Expected of Things! Concerning our Very History! Along with Many High School "Graduates", -Who Can't even Read their Own Diplomas! I'm Talking Things like Not Knowing that Washington was *Even* a President of Ours!, -or our Nation's Capitol!, -Let Alone our First!

I Used to (and Continue To) Regularly Hear Kids Respond Essentially!, -"I Don't Know and I Don't Care!", -With a "Who Are You to Even Ask!?", Sneer on their Faces! This is Much of the Story of our 80s, 90s, and now 2000s!

Things like Not even Knowing that Atlanta's One of our Own Cities, -or that Alaska is One of Our Own States! I Mean Really Pathetic No Brainers like That!!!

The Same with World Cultures, Customs and Peoples! At Least Towards Having some Basic, Nodding Acquaintence of Such! Including on those Valuable Cultural Do's and Don't's, -as a Number of Good Books have been Written on. As Well as What you'd Often Find in a Lonley Planet, or in Other Travel Guides! Those Often Crucial Enuff Cross Cultural Items and Awarenesses!, -are All Too Often Entirely *Not* even an Item on their Menus or Plate! In a World that *Is* More than just America and Americans, -We've Got to be Better of Ourselves than just That! To Know Something of the Europeans, the Latin Americans, the Arabs and Others of Islam, the Asians, Those of the Indian Subcontinent, Sub-Saharan Africans, the Larger Third World Out There, Hindus and Buddhists, Primitive Tribes!,....Not Just our Limited Own! Ok, -That Soap Box Rant now Completed.

The Same Story with Foreign Languages! Of Knowing Something of at Least One, -Other than our Own. Other Than just our Own English! (And Even That's Often Mangled Up or Disrespectingly Debased Pretty Bad!).

We for Decades and More Have Had Spanish and French, in our Secondary and High Schools, as a Regular Matter of Course. For College Bound Students.

Millions upon Millions of Americans have so Taken a Language. It's Often just as a Required Course though, -for Other Brighter Pastures they are Trying to Get Into! This Latter One a Point I Don't Entirely Fault.

But it's Not Exactly Like Most or Many Americans have Become Multilingual! It's Not Like we Havn't Had the Oppurtunity! At Least Here regarding Spanish and French. And of course Millions of Other Non-College Bound Students, -Have Not Had even That.

And Spanish, at least, -is Becoming Very Important! In How we are Rapidly Becoming a Bi-Lingual Country, -with All the Many Millions of Spanish Speaking Immigrants, Who've Joined U.S.!

Even Without That, -Spanish would be Very Important, -Just Out of it's Near Proximity! As Well as Out of it's Sheer "Volume Importance", -on the Scale of World Languages!

Yet so Many of my Typical, Average Fellow Americans, -Just Blissfully Carry On, -Thinking All They've Got To / Care to Know, -is their Own English! Alone!

I'd Respect my Average Fellow American in This here! If Only They'd at Least Carry their High School Spanish or French Along with them! I'm Not Expecting or Asking More. But They Often Can't or Won't even Swing or Manage That!

So if Many of U.S. Can't Even Read our Own High School Diplomas, -How are we Gonna Swing Arabic Script or Chinese Characters!?, -If Ever we Needed To?! If Some of U.S. are Utterly Lost in our Own English Language! Then They'd hane No Hope, -Should it Come to Chinese Characters or Arabic Script!

And These Two World Languages are at Least as Important!, as our Nearby Spanish, -in Today's World!

Similarly, -How is Many an American Gonna Know that Baghdad and Basra is in Iraq!, and Kabul and Kandahar's in Afghanistan!, -If They Don't Even Know or Care!, -That Peoria and Pennsylvania are in their Own United States?!?!?!?

Many of U.S. Really Do our Geography / History / and Language Acts!, -Pretty Pathetically and Laughably Bad! And I'm Sure that Much of the Surrounding Outside World, -Including that of our Very Real Enemies, -*Does* So Laugh at U.S.! I'm Sorry to Have to Saty it!, -But They've Genuinely Got One There! Some of U.S. have Really So Handed it to them!

Thats How Some of it Sorrowfully Enough Goes!, Polak, -Regarding some of our Typical American Geography and Etc of Scenes!

Its Not All Bad! Not All Americans, or American Students are Like That! We've Got our Bright Shining Areas too! But it's Ruefully Undeniable!, -That we've Got a Good and Sizeable Ball Dropping One! In These Areas and Ways as Well!

Remember, -Back to the Other Topic of this Thread, -Check Out your Local Borders or B & Ns! -For that Collins Survival Gem! [color:"black"] [/color] [email]leemann[/email]
Posted by: ScottRezaLogan

Re: Education & Foreign Language - 06/12/04 05:54 AM

I got to Thinking About your "Around the Campfire" Suggestion Round the Tail End of my Writing it, or Shortly Thereafter. You're Probably Quite Right.

What Happened was Done in the Course of Responding to a Basic, Brief Geographical Comment earlier in the Thread. Of course I Began to Notice I was Getting somewhat Long with it after awhile. I then Began Wrapping Up. (Not that it wasn't Nearing Completion Anyway). Beyond a Certain Such Point, -my particular Subtopic Matter Only Accentuated the Perception you so got. I Stand Corrected in that Way! Thanks for that Observation.

I also had Begun Thinking of your Other Point too. On School Language Requirements in itself. That Point of your's has some Element of Truth to it too. While there often could be a Lot of Ultimate Non-Use for such Other Language,-

-There could be some Very Handy and Helpful Uses for it sometime too! Including in Survival and Other Tight Situations! Just Look at What aardwolfe said about it earlier in this Thread. As Regards Getting Out of Tight Spots with nazis in Italy.

And I Think it would Serve America and our Interests Better, -if Substantially More of U.S. Knew at least Something, -of Another Language, Geographical Area, or Culture. Besides Only our Own! (As to "Only Our Own", -Like I Mentioned, -Some of U.S. Don't Even have That Down Pat!).

I Stop Now, -so I Don't Get Too Long OT Again! [color:"black"] [/color] [email]UTAlumnus[/email]
Posted by: zerge

Re: Collins Gem SAS Survival Guide(Out of print?) - 06/14/04 06:42 PM


The revised version will be out in August based on the last year's update on the "big one". Check out the publisher's website, and/or
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Collins Gem SAS Survival Guide(Out of print?) - 08/26/04 10:18 PM

Yeah, this is a great little survival guide. Some of the techniques may be slightly outdated. The SAS are some seriously hard-core blokes. You can still find this book pretty reliably on ( or Ebay ( for around $13US.
Posted by: aardwolfe

Re: Collins Gem SAS Survival Guide(Out of print?) - 08/27/04 08:11 PM

It's not very hard to find. Even Mountain Equipment Co-op here in Calgary sells it, and MEC seems to be extremely reluctant to sell anything with the word "survival" in it, in case they frighten their customers away, I guess.

I think the original scare resulted when Collins decided to reprint it in a new edition and stopped shipping the current edition; some bookstores misinterpreted this as the book being taken out of print.

As good as the book is, its single biggest asset to me is the fact that it will actually fit in the pocket of a dress shirt, so there's no excuse to be lost without it. Many other "survival" manuals won't even fit in the glove compartment of my car; they're strictly coffee-table queens <img src="/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />