Suggestions for site...

Posted by: Anonymous

Suggestions for site... - 09/15/01 06:05 AM

I'm really enjoying this site...Here's a few things I'd love to see though...<br><br>1) Going back and adding in the weight of every item talked about. This is very useful when trying to figure out what to buy. I'm sure lots of people could help out on this group for stuff that Doug no longer owns...<br>Even small things like fishing hooks or thread should be weighed (or at least, if they were it would be helpful to me).<br><br>2) I'd love to see an article on fishing in an emergency survival situation (using just the equipment Doug has in his mini pocket survival kit, nothing else). I know nothing about fishing, and have little interest in it as a hobby (partly because I don't like eating fish), but would love to know how to do it in a survival sure to include information on cooking (or not cooking when that's not an option!)<br><br>3) After having spent some time trying to buy lots of the "personal" equipment Doug recommends, some of the core pages could use updating. Some of the stuff doesn't seem to exist anymore, some has been superseded by new models, etc. <br><br>There seem to have been some changes in philosophy over time as well---or at least I interpret them as changes in philosophy---for example in the page on fire starting, Doug says that matches should be the first choice, and doesn't seem to be that big a fan of lighters. But when outfitting Simon in 2001, he uses a lighter as the primary firestarter. This lighter wasn't even mentioned in 1999 (perhaps because it didn't exist?), and Simon didn't get any matches.<br><br>Anyway, the point is the pages, although still very useful, are begining to show their age. Of course, I understand that Doug and everyone else here are volunteers, but... :)<br><br>Thanks!<br><br><br>
Posted by: Chris Kavanaugh

Re: Suggestions for site... - 09/15/01 06:48 AM

I am preparing a fishing gear review.Yes, products come and go. I loaned my ocean fishing unit from Exploration Products to a friend crossing the Pacific. I went to buy a new unit today.They are discontinued ! I had purchased one of the last units less than a few months ago. Listing weights is a valid point, but subjective. The term penny wise but pound foolish comes to mind. Weight can be taken to the extreme. I own the M-6 survival rifle ( heavily modified), having trained with one in Arctic Survival School. I can tell you if I was in the Arctic I would choose a different hunting piece of considerably more heft and caliber. But then Im niether a C-130 loadmaster or J-3 supercub bushpilot. Ill pull out my reloading and horsepacking scales and make a start.<br><br>