new way to purify water from MSR...

Posted by: Polak187

new way to purify water from MSR... - 11/03/03 05:53 PM

Looks studier than the UV pen.

About MIOX®
Developed in conjunction with the U.S. military, the MIOX® Purifier offers unrivaled ease of use and reliability for purifying large volumes of water, making it ideal for outdoor recreation, travel, and disaster-preparedness. It works by creating a powerful dose of mixed oxidants (MIOX), which is then added to untreated water, inactivating all viruses, bacteria, Giardia, and Cryptosporidium (which even iodine doesn’t kill). And since the MIOX Purifier needs only common camera batteries and salt to operate, it’s maintenance-free, delivering more water, more easily than any purifier ever before.

What do you guys think?

Posted by: paramedicpete

Re: new way to purify water from MSR... - 11/03/03 06:31 PM

Yes it looks much sturdier than the UV pen. However, look at the "dwell" or required contact time to achieve kill. If I get the chance and some extra cash I will go ahead and get one for testing. Pete
Posted by: billvann

Re: new way to purify water from MSR... - 11/03/03 06:33 PM

A more detailed description is available at the Summit Hut web site.

Produces approx. 200 liters per battery. Sounds promising.
Posted by: billvann

Re: new way to purify water from MSR... - 11/03/03 06:37 PM

>>>Dwell Times: Viruses, Bacteria - 15min./Giardia - 30min./Cryptosporidia - 4 hours. <<<

Seems reasonable. Or am I missing something?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: new way to purify water from MSR... - 11/03/03 06:45 PM

crypto dwell time seems very long in comparison to iodine or chlorine based treatments. Filtering is much faster and this item is about the same weight as a light ceramic filter. Filter can treat a much larger volume of water and it is ready to drink in 1 min vs 4 hours.

The dwell time may be accurate but not what I'm interested in waiting for while I am refilling my canteen during an evacuation walk-out. If at a temporary shelter situation I would presume better preparations. If I am going to be carrying something EDC for my PSK or similar - I would want something smaller and lighter - Iodine tabs work for me. Further I wouldn't want to add yet another battery powered device to fail from lack of power under emergency or survival situation.
Posted by: paramedicpete

Re: new way to purify water from MSR... - 11/03/03 07:01 PM

The Steri-Pen uses UV to effect kill in 1 minute. You can run a second 1-minute round if suspect the water may be heavily contaminated. Pete