Statton Island Ferry accident

Posted by: joblot

Statton Island Ferry accident - 10/15/03 09:18 PM

As I write it seems at least 12 people have lost their lives when a ferry ran into a pier whilst docking.
New York citizens really seems to be taking more than their fair share of disasters - you have my sympathy.
The cause of the accident is unknown.
Posted by: Polak187

Re: Statton Island Ferry accident - 10/16/03 11:55 AM

As per news this morning:

Operator of the Ferry said (and this is implemented by news as his statment not a fact yet) that he forgot to take is blood pressure medication and blacked out and pushed throtle to full speed. Than he got into his car tried to slash his wrists, went home and tried to commit a suicide with a pellet gun.

Posted by: Chris Kavanaugh

Re: Statton Island Ferry accident - 10/17/03 02:18 AM

Lessons? When any accident happens people die in groups .The majority of the passengers had crowded to the bow offloading area which struck the pier. In a theater? Relax and read the credits. Rush hour traffic, try to leave early or wait. Bustops, stand away from the curb. Always act like a movie star making a late and dramatic entrance or departure.