Fun Continues After the Emergency!

Posted by: hikermor

Fun Continues After the Emergency! - 12/12/17 07:57 PM

Nearly a week after the outbreak of the Thomas Fire, we and others are back in our homes, but life is not quite back to normal.

Smoke and ash are everywhere. Agencies make a point that much of this is derived from burning structures and is potentially toxic. Evidently lead, cadmium, arsenic, and asbestos are not part of any essential food groups - not good to inhale or ingest! Believe me, ash and soot are everywhere. Today is relatively calm and there is a noticeable haze present. N95 masks are very fashionable and are being distributed free at several locations, including some Lowe's and Home Depot stores.

Boiling water is recommended, due to the sharp decrease in water pressure when the fire was in Ventura. The requirement is being lifted, section by section, as the supply is tested. We are still boiling - basically a minor inconvenience. Bottled water is available at the usual outlets and prices remain reasonable...

Cleaning up is proceeding carefully, mostly washing down to avoid stirring the ash up. Frequent changes of clothing are a very good idea.

Our experience has been rather decent. People losing their homes are in a very different situation. So far I believe there is only one fatality attributable to the fire, and that was the result of an auto accident incurred while fleeing the fire.

While it is quite fashionable on some forums to regularly diss government workers and their services, what I have experienced is quite positive. There has been some looting, and police presence has been stepped up. First responders have been hard at work and there are good results.
Posted by: Phaedrus

Re: Fun Continues After the Emergency! - 12/13/17 05:50 AM

Glad things are slowly returning to normal even if it's not there yet. Sounds like you dodged a bullet.
Posted by: rafowell

Re: Fun Continues After the Emergency! Try P100 - 12/13/17 07:14 AM

> N95 masks are very fashionable and are being distributed
> free at several locations, including some Lowe's and Home Depot stores.

While rarer and pricier than N95 masks, I went for P100 masks for my family. P100 masks/filters are rated as being 167 times more effective against particulates. The requirements for each:

N95 filters: block at least 95% of airborne particles > 0.3 microns[1]
P100 filters: block at least 99.97% of airborne particles > 0.3 microns[1]

When I was helping my sister comb through the ashes of her home this week (Thomas Fire), I brought P100 filter masks[3] for her and her husband, and I wore a 3M 6200 half-face respirator[7] with P100 filters[4]. I got both at Home Depot, but there are lots of P100 filters out there [5].

The data sheet for the P100 respirator filters I bought[2] recommended them for use vs. asbestos and coal dust (and powdered plutonium - I kid you not)

A disposable N95 mask runs about $2, vs. the $11 each I paid for the P100 masks, and the $7 per set (quantity 2) for the respirator filters (I had the respirator already), but I thought they were worth it.

While I haven't personally checked, I've been told the disposable P100 masks are more fatiguing than the N95 masks. Makes sense to me - I'd expect more pressure drop across a tighter filter. Another point in favor of the half-face respirator - there's a lot more intake area in the respirator filters than in the face mask, so less pressure drop.

I don't use respirators often - this is the second project I remember using mine for. The first time was 30 years ago when helping my wife refinish our floors - with the simple face mask, I was sneezing sawdust. I bought the respirator, and could not even smell the sawdust. They also make you look like a praying mantis. But after four hours of raking through ashes, I was happy to have mine. (I also wore rubber "mucking boots" over disposable Tyvek coveralls, and rubber gloves.).

The first time I used a respirator (not this one) was for a seriously hazmat summer job ( hand mixing powdered beryllium fluoride, for which I used a fume hood as well as the respirator), so I guess that's a 3rd time.

[2] 3M Particulate Filter 2097, P100
Posted by: Tjin

Re: Fun Continues After the Emergency! Try P100 - 12/13/17 12:01 PM

Do note that with respirators, the fit is important. As negative pressure mask relies on a proper seal. (man, shave!) Test fitting respirators (disposable or reusable) with a simulant can be handy if you need to use respirators frequently.

After test fitting a few model; you can pick the ones that work best for you.
Posted by: Russ

Re: Fun Continues After the Emergency! Try P100 - 12/13/17 05:38 PM

The local HD here has empty shelves where the N95’ish type masks are usually stocked. We didn’t get any of the smoke here but the HD stores in areas that did get a lot of smoke from the fires took all available supplies. Half and full face respirators are available. I have a full face respirator with a supply of cartridges and a box with plenty of N95’sh type masks which I use to add masks to all my FAK’s.

Does anyone have experience with N99 Washable Cotton Mouth Masks or similar? They seem to be a cross between N95 disposable masks and respirators.
Posted by: Pete

Re: Fun Continues After the Emergency! Try P100 - 12/14/17 03:46 AM

Good luck Hikermor!!
Glad that you are back in your house.

I can see the smoke from the Thomas fire, when I am driving near my house. The fire is distant and not a threat at my location. But the cloud of smoke is very big. It's still not clear if Summerland and Montecito will lose homes due to this blaze.

Yes - it is tragic that a lot of people have lost their homes right before Christmas. Glad that you are not one of them.
Posted by: hikermor

Re: Fun Continues After the Emergency! Try P100 - 12/14/17 05:49 PM

Thank you,Pete,for your kind thoughts. the smoke put up from this fire is beyond belief - much heavier than any I have experienced. I hope that none of it comes your way. I am still cleaning up, but true, I can't complain - I do have an intact house and grounds to clean....
Posted by: Pete

Re: Fun Continues After the Emergency! Try P100 - 12/15/17 12:48 AM

Just saw news that a firefighter was killed today (Thurs) battling the Thomas fire. This epic battle is not over yet. Prayers for the family of the victim.