Trekker found after 47 days lost in Himalayas

Posted by: quick_joey_small

Trekker found after 47 days lost in Himalayas - 04/27/17 06:02 AM

> followed a river downhill.. but became stuck when they reached the
> edge of a waterfall and were unable to climb back up.

There's moral in there somewhere

Posted by: hikermor

LongTermSurvival Story - 04/27/17 02:51 PM

Just ran across this item about a seen week survival ordeal by two hikers stranded in the Himalayas. As ia typical, a lot of information is missing or possibly skewed. There is mention of them falling "100 meters." If they actually fell that distance (free fall or close to it), they wouldn't have lived - DRT.

Anyway, quite a tale.

Double post - already put on ETS. Mods please merge/obliterate.....
Posted by: chaosmagnet

Re: LongTermSurvival Story - 04/28/17 12:36 AM

Threads merged.

Posted by: Phaedrus

Re: LongTermSurvival Story - 04/28/17 03:30 AM

It's very sad that after almost seven weeks in the wilderness the woman died just days before rescue. The man was very lucky to have survived.
Posted by: Pete

Re: LongTermSurvival Story - 05/03/17 12:14 AM

they were very lucky. Or I should say - he was.
I agree that it is tragic that the young lady missed 'rescue' by 3 days.

I would have guessed bad weather as the likely cause - and sure enough ...

not sure there are easy answers to this type of situation. especially if you are off-route, compared to where most people trek. it sounds like they must have been exploring a path that was rarely traveled. The terrain looks bleak, not much to survive on. I would imagine that "keeping a positive mental attitude" would be an enormous challenge under those conditions. but if your mind fails ... everything will fail.
