a newbie offers a small contribution

Posted by: 30carbine

a newbie offers a small contribution - 03/02/03 11:21 PM

Having dropped in on this site occasionally to catch up on very informative analysis of the pros and cons of various items of equipment, I thought I’d share a couple of learning experiences per equipment in regards to a larger kit.

In Vietnam in the 1960’s an Australian officer showed me how to use a nylon mesh hammock as a pack. The hammock was stretched out horizontally on the ground and the contents to be carried were then placed in a green waterproof bag which was filled to make an approximately 18 inch long by perhaps a foot in diameter package. The bag was placed in the center of the hammock and the hammock rolled around the bag and secured with two ties of paracord. This left about 3 feet of hammock on either side of the package. Each of these pieces of hammock were drawn out and then doubled back and tied with paracord to make loops. The loops served as shoulder straps and the load rested on top of the hips while traveling in the bush. The silhouette of the scout was broken up and brush and leaves could be stuck through the mesh of the hammock to make it part of the Guillesuit. Obviously, things needed in a hurry were not readily available. This technique was intended for loads that would not be unpacked until nightfall. The hammock became the first item available as camp was pitched. The paracord ties were used to secure the hammock between trees. Thus, a 3.5-5 lb pack was replaced with a 1 lb hammock serving double duty. The load would float because of the trapped air, and the hammock also served as a stretcher if necessary when tied to a pole and carried by two men.

Sleeping on the ground in the bush in those days was something to be avoided whenever possible. I can say the same thing applies today in the bayou’s of East Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama and Florida. Between the usual creepie crawlies and the fire ants, the ground is not a place to be.

The second item I see not mentioned is the use of the M-16 cleaning rod as a spit for cooking and as a probe when mine sweeping if an issue probe is not available. No one here needs probe for mines, but using a spit for cooking simplifies handing game without a pot. It was often done in Vietnam. Taken down into easily carried lengths it served lots of purposes besides weapons cleaning.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: a newbie offers a small contribution - 03/02/03 11:50 PM

I would love to see pictures of that hammock pack.

Its so simple its brilliant!

When in rome........
