Alcohol Wipes

Posted by: Anonymous

Alcohol Wipes - 12/18/02 03:51 AM

Hello all, I'm new to the board and wanted an opinion on this.

I've spent some time looking at the commercial PSKs and the ones that people list here, but the one thing I don't recall seeing are Alcohol Wipes.

I thought that they would be a great addition to a PSK because not only can they be used in First Aid, but I've always found that they are great fire starters.

Would this just be a waste of space, or more of a personal preference thing?

thanks in advance for all replies,
Posted by: Tjin

Re: Alcohol Wipes - 12/18/02 12:30 PM

iodine swabs won’t further injure sensitive tissue if it gets in a wound, alcohol swabs does, so most of use go for iodine one's.
and if you use your alcohol pads as tinder there wont be any antiseptic swabs left wenn you need it. carrying both iodine swabs and tinder would be a beter choice usually.. atleast that mine way of thinking
Posted by: Polak187

Re: Alcohol Wipes - 12/18/02 12:30 PM

In medical field alcohol may be used for disenfecting the instruments but never for infection control or wound cleaning. Alcohol dilutes blood vessels therfore bleeding is increased. So are they a waste of space? I don't think so. They can be used as you mentioned for fire starting, plus when tending to the wound and latex gloves are not available you can wash your hands quickly and minimize risk of infection. Also wipes can be used to disenfect tools, needles and razor blades when you are ready to switch between the tasks. It's good to have them around.
