ETS Web Site

Posted by: Anonymous

ETS Web Site - 07/03/02 07:45 AM

I first "stumbled" upon this web site in October last year and this sparked a dormant interest. I have since found many many sites covering the topics of survival and equipment etc. I must catagorically state that ETS is by far....I repeat by far the superior web site for this topic. I applaud you......I have since assembled a couple of PSK's and have bought much needed gear which I did not have. Needless to say, I have much fuller pockets than before! I am based in Johannesburg, South Africa, and I would be happy to provide any information that you would require regarding this part of the world, the gear we have etc etc. KEEP UP THE SUPERB WORK!!!
Posted by: Chris Kavanaugh

Re: ETS Web Site - 07/04/02 04:49 AM

Thanks Thor! One of the pleasures of our growing community is the worldwide input; Canada, Mexico, Great Britain, Sweden, Italy, Poland, Turkey, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Im sure still more I am remiss in listing. Learning what is universal is nearly as fascinating as what really works in specific locals ( trying to impress a native with your bowdrill skills as he helpfully offers the use of his lighter)