A book reguarding post-disaster emergncy situation

Posted by: Joseph13

A book reguarding post-disaster emergncy situation - 12/18/07 01:57 AM

I recently purchased,

"Self-Reliance during Natural Disastersand Civil Unrest: How to Handle Fires,Search and Rescue, and Other Emergency-Response Situations on Your Own" by George R. Bradford
(ISBN 10: 1-58160-628-1)
(ISBN 13: 978-1-58160628-7)
Published by Paladin Press

(Please note: I have no affiliation with the publisher, and have posted this thread due to the material relevant to disaster preparedness covered in the text.)

I have not finished reading this book yet, however the 2 chapters I have read contained so much information reguarding being the "first on scene layperson", that I felt overwhelmingly compelled to share this title with all the people of this forum.

The book has 10 chapters and is approximately 175 pages of text with great photos that clarify what the author is talking about.
Subject matter covers a range of fire fighting for protecting the home/work place, car and forest fires, how to asses structural damage before you decide to enter a buildng (i.e. is it safe after walking around the entire sructure or should you call professionals?)

We all have our own stories of what we have done in the past during small and large disasters, and I do not want to boor you with mine. This book has some good guidelines for when and when not to try to contain a fire, and brings up the real possibility of phonelines/cell sites being down or overloaded with calls.

I am not a Firefighter, EMT, LEO or any other type of emergency response person, and I am not trying to be a "HERO". I do run towards gunfire and armed criminals though, due to some genetic predisposition, I think? but that is another thread. My point is I am not trying to, nor do I think in any way shape or form I am as qualified as the above mentioned professional emergency first responders, but, lets face it folks you may not be at the first, second or third site they respond to. If I am wrong here please let me know.

Every person who is a member of this forum is here to develop and hone their personal survival skills, and I think this book covers a great range of skills I want to have developed before the next Northridge, California type earthquake; Malibu, California type fire, or a Huricane like Katrina.

Love to hear some responses!

Posted by: Blast

Re: A book reguarding post-disaster emergncy situation - 12/18/07 02:56 AM

If it's from Paladin Press it has to be good. grin

Thanks for the review! I'm adding it to my Amazon wishlist.
