After Hurricane Sally, I'd like to expand the number of power sources I have. As those of you who read my previous thread know, the generator failed to start, contrary to expectation. Fortunately I got through fine with my other options, but I think I should have more for future needs. If you guys have ideas or product recommendations, I'm all ears.

Right now I'm looking at:

1. A power "station" -- basically a big rechargeable battery with outlets. You have to charge it before the event. The benefit of something like this is you're ready to power something, but once the battery is drained, it's done.

2. A solar power generator. The main problem for me is that my area gets power outages from storms and hurricanes -- not very sunny. It seems that people can still charge their phone on a cloudy day over the course of six hours or so. So this is not a great solution, but may be still useful, especially once the sky clears.

3. It seems that some power tools brands sell an inverter for their batteries. Alas, since there is no standard among these batteries, I can't get just an inverter for all the power tool batteries I have. The inverters are surprisingly expensive. They probably want to price them so they're just a bit cheaper than power "stations."
