I know this topic pops up frequently, but I was pretty angry reading about this recent dog attack in San Diego county here.

Four pit bulls attack a group of siblings out for a run on a trail. Two brothers, 21 and 20, then two sisters, 18 and 15. And finally, a 9 year old niece. The dogs attack the second runner, one of the brothers, and the other brother comes to his aid but the dogs are attacking both of them.

The part that really gets me is this part of the article:

They knew the house where the dogs lived and yelled for their owner. Garritson said the man walked toward them and managed to get some back to the house, but three remained. (Emphasis mine)

Walked? I sure hope the neighbor is like 95 years old, otherwise you gotta wonder about the character of a guy who walks over when a pack of his pit bulls is mauling two grown men.

Fortunately, the younger girls were not attacked, but the article says they were traumatized. Poor things. Grrrr, there really isn't need for this to happen.