Years ago old bald guy (I think) may his shade rest; asked if it would be a good idea to keep a new child out of the systems knowledge. Never let them be fingerprinted; iris scanned, named officially etc.
I pointed out facial recognition technology would make it a wasted effort. I wasn't thinking far enough. Augmented reality is round the corner; we'll have glasses that recognise that child in your school photo from 40 years ago. And every cop will have running subtitles on your record by simply glancing at you. Think anyone will stay on the run for long?

from the New York Times article:

'Several people who have seen the glasses, but who are not allowed to speak publicly about them, said that the location information was a major feature of the glasses. Through the built-in camera on the glasses, Google will be able to stream images to its rack computers and return augmented reality information to the person wearing them. For instance, a person looking at a landmark could see detailed historical information and comments about it left by friends. If facial recognition software becomes accurate enough, the glasses could remind a wearer of when and how he met the vaguely familiar person standing in front of him at a party. They might also be used for virtual reality games that use the real world as the playground.

...When someone is meeting a person for the first time, for example, Google could hypothetically match the person’s face and tell people how many friends they share in common on social networks.'

Full article:
